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This is an interview between me and Strahd on 2/12/00. Strahd is currently playing as Strahd, Buddha and Fucked. His other aliases include Ironic and Rectum. He currently is an immortal disguised as a level 16 mutant. Some of Strahd's old poems are stored here.

L98: First, tell me about how you got started out on muds.

S: first mud i played was called the vortex
S: was about 5 years ago

L98: How did you find out about it?

S: a friend was playing and got me hooked on them

L98: Where did you go after you left Vortex?

S: wellat first i couldn't find anything fun to play
S: the i stumbled on tdome
S: let say i found a home

L98: What made you decide to stay?

S: basically the whole attitude of the mud
S: lots of good people and many, many bunnies
S: also half the time i didnt suck

L98: How many years have you been playing here anyways?

S: im not sure but at least 4, maybe, i am getting older and themind fades
S: thats counting my "away" time

L98: You are well known for your poetry. Have you always been a poet or did it start on TDome?

S: i would say i am creative in the RL,but the poetry started here
S: tdome inspires it

L98: What's the deal with your obsession for rabbits?

S: you knowi cant even remember how it started
S: it had to be a gossip about doing something with them i guess
S: its stuck all these years, and its not a bad thing i think

L98: In your opinion, when was the best time to play TDome?

S: well first i'd have to say anytime I don't suck
S: but that is so rare
S: so when ninjas was in was pretty cool
S: also when I was a Teklord was fun
S: to be honest its all good
S: like now I have found playing a mutant is fun

L98: If TDome were shut down, what would be your fondest memory of the game?
L98: This could be any memorable moment.

S: snicker
S: Well everyone would expect me to say the rabbits.
S: But I think it would be all the people and the gossiping and killing
S: Many great times i have had just sitting talking or in groups dying
S: They all just come together

L98: Is there any specific person you think of when you think of yourself dying?

S: in RL or here
S: hehe

L98: In the game.

S: No person.  The thought that always runs through my head as i die is "I am a loser".
S: never fails
S: unless i die in a group with feldor
S: then its may colorful words
S: : )

L98: Do you have any goals?

S: Well, right before I took a break, I was always playing and got burned out.
S: So my goal now is just to have fun and balance out tdoming with my other pursuits
S: like work
S: oh yeah and my wife (in case she reads this)
S: I also like playing Half-life online too, Tdome would be way cool if
S: was like graphical.  Man the bunnies in 3d

L98: This will be the last question.

S: nod

L98: Where do you see yourself in the future?

S: On here sucking less each day.  In RL probably teaching forever.
S: And if my wife has her way with kids by next yrear
S: Then when I will mud I have no clue

L98: I have to ask one more question now.

S: hehe

L98: Will you teach your kids how to mud?

S: hehe sure i would.   I plan to have my kid drooling on the keyboard

L98: Thank you.

S: your welcome

[Legion 98]