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This is an interview between me and Sylla on 5/14/00. Sylla has also been known as Clovis, Thraxx and Krieglust. He was once a jacker but currently is playing as a crew. Sylla is my evil twin brother and is always coming up with crazy schemes in the mud.

L98: Tell me how you got into MUDs.

S: my roomate got a job in the school library fixing copiers
S: he had alot of time on his hands so he started mudding again
S: so he dragged me along to the lab a couple times and I got my ass whupped
S: ever since then I have been darkly obsessed with ruling the mud
S: his player name was Dalek, he was Morg's best friend in RL a long time ago
S: so that is how he got started

L98: Was TDome your first mud?

S: yupp

L98: What was it about TDome that has caused you to stay here all this time?

S: I like the flavor of the world, the descriptions and the mobs are hillarious
S: the fact that you can go from jurrassic park and wreckin dinosaurs
S: and then all of a suddon you are killing dragons
S: I think the ecclectic mix of creatures and places is the shit

L98: Exactly how long have you been playing here anyways?

S: hmm 4 yrs off and on
S: started with a ranger in old td2 and I sucked
S: I quit before it went down
S: then I started up again maybe 3 yrs ago
S: made a ranger thraxx remorted and been playing pretty consistently since then

L98: What have you enjoyed more, playing as normal chars or as a jacker?

S: jacker was way cool
S: I am lazy with my tintin so my multiing is really haphazard
S: the hunter really fit my personality too
S: sneaking and evasion together meant that I could play really sloppy and not die too often
S: so being a self sufficient solo, and also having the athority to lead noobies around to their 
S: deaths was alot of fun
S: people seem to think you know what you are doing when you are a jacker
S: I like that illusion

L98: What's the worst aspect of TDome?

S: the amount of time wasted
S: and the way money works
S: cash runs are all noobie zones and they get really boring
S: so alot of time is wasted on cash and xp runs when it would be funner to push your crews limit
S: s and try something harder
S: hard shit never seems to get rewarded enough
S: it also seems to of gotten a little stale

L98: When was the best time to play TDome?

S: hmm when I was the Jacker :)

L98: When was the worst time to play here?

S: when I was starting out, it was really confusing
S: and I sucked

L98: If you could change anything here, what would it be?'

S: more boots and crashes, and no reimbs, maybe down harder mobs a bit
S: that way eq would cycle around more, make things more interesting
S: instead people build up perfect sets of gear and shit keeps getting upped
S: it reinforces the good old boy club aspect of tdome
S: when I think about it that may be the suckiest part of tdome

L98: What's your favorite zone and why?

S: hmm, I would say SST
S: has alot of aggro mobs, but you can scan so you can plan a strategy
S: so if you sneak around and pick your targets right you can do some cool shit
S: it is good for the thinking aspect of tdome
S: I like the desert for the same reason

L98: What's your favorite class?

S: I really dug my hunter
S: so I think it is my fav

L98: What is your greatest accomplishment here?

S: hmm my greatest legitimate one was soloing the battle bots I think
S: using flee ambush and firstaid
S: my greatest one over all was soloing blackie
S: using duncan and a naked ranger

L98: Do you have any goals for the game?

S: to fuck around and kick butt
Clovis flexes her muscles.

L98: You're always coming up with new and exciting ways to kill mobs or make money.
L98: Tell me about some of your best schemes.

S: hmmm, I think blackie was the best, other than that I havn't pulled off that many cool things
S: although I am still pushing for a spyder gun in the cutlery
S: I think it would be a great pkill revenue source
S: but I am too lazy to level a curist

L98: Although you haven't been very active lately, you're also a well known pkiller.
L98: How many people do you think you've killed?

S: hmm merciless, ciane, oshea, rue, quiksilver, troll, sonik, lauren, hmm a rl friend of chances
S: oohh this dood ranma
S: a few mortaly wounded people when I was a noobie, I think that was it
S: that I can remember

L98: Why do you kill people?

S: oooh shit I forgot twists crew
S: some were gang related
S: I used to kill for eq
S: and sometimes I just like to kill my friends
S: I think it is funny
S: Link asked me to kill people with him once or twice
S: and I went along with that 

L98: Tell me about your involvement with the BCC.

S: I hang out with them in RL play magic and shit like that
S: merciless was one of the first players to ever help me out
S: between him and Dalek is where I learned to paly
S: so I think of them as my hommies
S: and I try to help them out
S: We shall rule the MUD!!!

L98: If the Milwaukee players were forced to fight each other in the mud, who would win?

S: hmm, Morg, cuz he multis the best

L98: What is it about communism that you find attractive?

S: I hate greed
S: capitalism fosters a culture of greed, that negativly effects our lives and relationships
S: when the world is all about self interest it is very hard not to be cynical
S: and it makes me grumpy
S: cutthroat self interested society makes life shitty but we can't turn the clock back either
S: like a lot of the leftists I know want to 
S: so communism as it is about new development appeals to me
S: I also think steel and tractors and big factorys are neat
S: so that may of effected me

L98: Tell me about some of the things you do IRL.

S: hmm I go to school, sometimes
S: I sit around and talk shit with people alot instead of doing productive shit
S: I pine after dykey women
S: drink beer, go to occaisional rave partys
S: just got back from one
S: White Trash Wrestleing 4 even drunker
S: we smashed a car and threw it into a mud wrestling pit and played with fire
S: I danced around a little and got hammered
S: and I work at shitty factory or wharehouse jobs when I have too

L98: This will be the last question.
L98: Where do you see yourself in the future?

S: I went to the IMF protests in DC and I fell in love
S: so I think I want to move to DC that town is the shit
S: get a decent white collar job and lead a halfway polliticaly active life
S: on tdome I intend to get established and go solo
S: once I get my act together
Clovis bows before you.

L98: Thank you.

[Legion 98]