From the Big City of Mt. Lake Park, Maryland, USA:
How to Cook, Go to Church and STILL Have Lots-O-Fun!

The WatcherThe Articles

Memo to Myself

Christian Libertarian? (July)
A Challange to the Church (June)
A Question of Balance (May)

Manic Music Manor
Manic Music Manor

Jessie Links Logo

Welcome to my little part of the
World Wide Web

Just some thoughts on religion, politics and the rest of life from Darilyn's husband and Jessica's Dad. Our home is in Garrett County, which is as far west as you can go in Maryland.

I am the Evangelism co-ordinator at Bethel United Methodist Church. I am very interested in the development of small group ministries. I am also Customer Service Manager for an industrial repair and maintenance company.

mailto:neals@garret.ncin.comSend e-mail:

or send snail mail to: P.O. Box 122, Oakland,
MD, 21550, USA

The Links Which Give
Clues to My Real Life

Visit my ChurchBethel Button

Revive US O LORD! my pet project

Read my local newspaper: The Cumberland Times-News

Visit my office: Industrial Service Contractors, Inc.

My Resume

Check out my Bookmarks

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I'm a ZDNet U Student

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Rip into me - I want your feedback !

Hey, where are the recipes?

Updated: January 21, 1998

Featured in the May 1997 Christian Links Page - Top 100 Sites