
Mid-Michigan Branch

Quality Deer Management Association

Saturday, July 1, 2000, 12 Noon, Jay's Sporting Goods, Clare, MI


  1. Open Meeting at 12 Noon (Jay's - Outback Room)
  2. Roll Call Board of Director's Present
  3. Secretary's Report / Membership / Website (Boyd Wiltse)
  4. Treasurer's Report (Phil Andres)
  5. Educational Committee Report, Raffle Tickets, Advertising, Annual Seminar, etc. (Ed Spinazzola)
  6. Field biologist memberships (Boyd Wiltse)
  7. Maps displaying deer data by state / cost sharing ($1,000 charge per state)
  8. April 15th meeting with Rebecca Humphries, Wildlife Division Chief / Brian Murphy (Boyd Wiltse)
  9. April 14th & 15th Brian Murphy visit to Ludington
  10. Hunter Safety classes at Jay's - Mid-Michigan volunteers and raffle prizes / July-August (Ed Spinazzola)
  11. Old Business
  12. New Business
  13. Announcements - The next regular quarterly meeting for the Mid-Michigan Branch QDMA will be October 7, 2000 at 12 noon, Jay's Sporting Goods in Clare, MI
  14. Adjourn Meeting