Not all of their adventures will be found at this site. There are far too many. This site would continue to grow, beyond the limits imposed by the Moab Convention. Thereby, making this site illegal and, perhaps, dangerous as well.
Instead this site is dedicated to some of Monty and Willy's adventures. Those that have been told to many others before (Perhaps, you have heard one of these tales before as you sat around a campfire at a KOA campground listening to the tales of another camper); those that have been mis-told as folklore often becomes; some of their favorite adventures (at least they're my favorites); and some that have never been told publicly ever before.
Although, this is THE OFFICIAL ADVENTURES OF MONTY AND WILLY WEB SITE, none of the content is written by either Monty or Willy. The stories found here are my transcriptions of the adventures as told to me, Malcolm Tasz. I have been a close friend to both Monty and Willy for most of my life. A life certainly made better by my association with the two greatest adventurers since The Eagle landed in that wonderfully magical year of 1969.
So, sit back and enjoy the ride. Seat belts are required during takeoff and landing and times of excitement!
"I see a road!"
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