Moviemaniac's Movie Mansion



The Hobbit

1977 - NR - 1:18
Warner Home Video
Directed by Arthur Rankin Jr. & Jules Bass
Voice talents:
Orson Bean
Richard Boone
Hans Conried
John Huston
Otto Preminger
Cyril Ritchard
Glenn Yarbrough
With the talents of:
Paul Frees, John Stephenson
Don Messick
Jack DeLeon

The place is Middle Earth. The time is long ago, when humans shared their days with elves, wizards, goblins, dragons, heroes...and hobbits. Bilbo Baggins is a hero and a hobbit, a roundish, peaceable homebody going on a dangerous quest - even though adventures make hobbits late for dinner! John Huston leads a brilliant cast of voices in an enchanting adaptation of The Hobbit, the first of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic Middle Earth books (the others are The Lord Of The Rings trilogy). The adventure begins when the great wizard Gandalf asks Bilbo to recover a fabulous treasure stolen from friendly dwarfs. All Bilbo must do is brave dark forests, towering mountains, hobbit-eating trolls, a slimy Gollum, huge spiders, a fiery dragon and more terrors that would alarm any hobbit who'd rather be home eating buttered muffins. Fun and excitement await - so join the quest!

Soundtrack Info
