Tips on Tuning!

When tuning your violin, the first thing you need to figure out is: Does this string need to go higher or lower in pitch? Or, is it already in tune?

1. Pluck or bow your "E" string. Listen to the sound. Can you match that pitch with your voice? Start singing a sound that you know is lower than the sound of the string, and then slowly come up to the sound your string is making.

2. You will do almost the same thing when you tune. Click on the sound link for an "Open "E" String. Listen to the sound, then bow your violin's "E". Is the violin lower, higher, or in tune. (Hint: Try to match both pitches with your voice.) Always try to come up from a lower pitch. Sometimes it is hard to hear the pitch, and go too high! *********************What happens then?******************* **************************WARNING************************* Always keep your violin pointed away from your eyes!!! People have had STRINGS BREAK RIGHT INTO THEIR EYES!!! BE VERY CAREFUL. GET AN ADULT TO HELP YOU! DO NOT TRY THIS ON YOUR OWN! (Scroll Down)

3. When the "E" is done, move to the other strings. You may have to go back and retune.

4. If you have fine tuners and they aren't turned all the way in, you use "Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey". In other words, clockwise will raise the pitch. Counterclockwise will lower the pitch. Use these tuners first if you can.

5. If you have to use the tuning pegs, your job will be a little more difficult. You will have to hold the scroll with your left hand to adjust the "A" and "E" pegs, and hold the scroll with your right hand to adjust the "D" and "G" pegs.

6. While holding the scroll, push the peg in and turn it's top toward the fingerboard. This will lower the string. It is important to keep plucking the string while doing this so you can hear the change in pitch. The pegs are held by friction. So, always push in while turning the peg.

7. If your fine tuner is turned all the way in, it's a good idea to back it almost all the way out and raise the pitch with the peg. The next time you tune you will be able to use the fine tuners. Scroll down to begin: BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!


Click here for an Open "E":
Click here for an Open "A":
Click here for an Open "D":
Click here for an Open "G":
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