
What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is an exceptionally safe form of medicine which treats the whole person by stimulating the body's own healing power to cure disease.
Homeopathy is a method of selecting medicines on the principle of similarity. The basic principle of homeopathic therapeutics is 'like may be cured by like'. This is to say that a medicinal substance which creates symptoms and conditions in a healthy person will cure a sick person manifesting similar symptoms. For example, when cutting an onion we commonly experience tears, runny nose and irritated eyes. These are common symptoms of hayfever and the homeopathic preparation of onion is often prescribed for hayfever.
In homeopathy medicines are tailored to match the symptom picture of an individual, taking into account physical, mental and emotional factors as well as family history. An orthodox diagnosis, e.g arthritis, is not the most important prescribing factor because two people with arthritis may be very different in their sleep and eating patterns or personalities etc. and therefore would be given different medicines.
Homeopathic medicines are derived from animal, plant and mineral sources and are given in minute doses to powerfully assist the body in its natural endeavour towards health.

Links for more information:
Classical Homeopathy
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