Welcome To the Slayer's Wavs

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Giles' Intro: "In every generation, there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer."

Giles: "Just don't be late" Buffy: "Have I ever let you down?" Giles: "Do you want me to answer that or should I just glare?"

Giles: "I'll bring the weaponry" Buffy: "I'll bring the party mix"

"This is not your battle...and as your Watcher, I'm telling you unequivocally to Stay Out of It."

"The Bay City Rollers...that's music"

"Just go...get out of my sight."

Giles: "That was a bit...um, British...wasn't it?" Buffy: "Welcome to the New World"

Giles: "The new Slayer is only called when the previous Slayer has died...You were dead, Buffy." Buffy: "I was only gone for a minute"

Giles: "After meeting you, Buffy, I realized that, uh, the handbook would be of now use in your case." Buffy: "What do you mean 'it would be of no use in my case'?? What's wrong with my case?"

Giles: "We're having a party tonite" Xander: "Looks like Mr. Cautionman, but the sound he makes is funny"

Giles: "You'd be amazed at how numbingly pompous and longwinded some of these Watchers were" Buffy: "Color me Stunned"

Giles: "I cannot believe that you are fool enough to do something like this" Xander: "Oh, no...I'm twice the fool it takes to do something like this"



Buffy: "My philosophy....do you want to hear my philosophy?" Willow: "Yeah, I DO." Buffy: "Life is Short." Willow: Life is short." Buffy: "Not original, I'll grant you, but it's true. Ya know? Why waste time being all shy and wondering about some guy, if he's gonna laugh at you...seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead."

Buffy: "Mom, I'm a vampire slayer"

Kendra: "I am Kendra...the Vampire Slayer."

Buffy: "If the Apocalypse comes, Beep me."

Buffy: "You have fruit punch mouth." Master: "huh?" PUNCH!

Buffy: "I was So hoping you'd do that."

Buffy: "I don't take orders. I do things My way." Kendra: "No wonder you died."

Buffy: "I seem to be having a slight case of nudity here." Oz: "But you're not a rat. So call it an upside."

Kendra: "They call me Kendra. I have no last name, sir." Buffy: "Can you say 'Stuck in the Eighties'?"

Kendra: "Ya tink he might help us?" Buffy: "I tink we might make him."

Buffy: "Vampires....Here Vampires...."



Willow: "I'd better sit down." Buffy: "You are sitting down." Willow: "Oh. Good for me."

Willow: "We used to go out, but we broke up." Buffy: "How come?" Willow: "He stole my Barbie!....uh, we were 5."

Willow: "Okay, your name is Cordelia, you're not a cat you're in high school and we're your friends....well, sort of." Cordelia: "That's nice, Willow. And you went Mental When?" Willow: "You know us?" Cordelia: "Yeah, lucky me."

Willow: "I'm sorry how all this turned out...me shooting you and all." Oz: "S'okay. I'm sorry I almost ate you." Willow: "s'okay."

Willow: "It's OZ! It's OZ!" Buffy: "What's Oz?" Willow: "The Werewolf" Giles: "Are you certain?" Willow: "Can't you just trust me on this? He said he was going through all these changes...then he went through all these changes."

"Oz has his cool hair today.......I think I'm a groupie."

"That reflection thing that you don't have....Angel, how do you shave?"

"Use the Force, Luke"



"God!! What is your childhood trauma??"

"Morbid Much...I didn't Ask"

"Angel is a Good vampire. He would never hurt you."

"Feels like home. If it's the 50's and you're a psycho."

"Excuse me? Who gave you permission to exist?"

Cordelia: "I guess you should know, since you helped raise that demon that killed that guy that time." Giles: "Yes, do let's bring that up as often as possible."

"I'll do what I want to do...and I'll wear what I want to wear...and you know what? I'll date whoever the hell I want to date...no matter how lame he is."

"Look, Buffy, You may be the slayer when it comes to demonology or whatever....but when it comes to dating, I'm the slayer."

"Willow! Nice dress. Good to know you've seen the softer side of Sears."

"Whatever is causing the Joan Collins' 'tude, deal with it. Embrace the pain, spank your inner moppet, whatever....but get over it."

Cordelia: "You're really campaigning for Bitch of the Year, aren't you?" Buffy: "As defending champion, you nervous?"



Xander: "And to return this.....the only thing I can think is you're building a really...little...fence." Buffy: "Hah! No, uh, actually it was for self defense. Everyone has them in LA."

"Come on, Cordelia. If you wanna be a member of the Scooby gang, you gotta be willing to be inconvenienced every now and then."

Xander: "When are you guys gonna stop makin' fun of me for dating Cordelia?" Buffy: "I'm sorry.....but never."

Xander: "Angel was in your bedroom?" Willow: "Ours is a forbidden love."

"Okay, on sleazing extra candy....tears are key. Tears will normally get you the double bagger. You can also try the old 'you missed me' routine, but it's risky. Only go there for chocolate."

Xander: "Willow. She told me to tell you..." Buffy: "Tell me what?" Xander: "Kick his ass."

"I don't like vampires. I'm gonna take a stand and say they're not good."

Xander: "That's IT! 12 years of you and I'm Snappin...I don't care if you're a girl or not, I'm throwin down. Come on." Cordelia: "I've seen you fight. And don't think I can't take you." Xander: "Give it your best shot."

Xander: "You wanna go to the utility closet and make out?" Cordy "GOD! Is that all you ever think about??? (long pause) "Okay"

"Hey, we can do 'that thing' anytime....I'm tired of doing 'that thing. We're On."



"So we know the world didn't end cuz...check it out."

"I mock you with my Monkey Pants"

Oz: "Willow, we'll talk about this tomorrow." Willow: "NO! Dammit. We'll talk about this now."

Oz: "I'm gonna ask you to go out with me tomorrow night. And..I'm kinda nervous about it. It's interesting." Willow: "Oh. Well, if it helps any, I'm gonna say yes."

"A werewolf in love..."

Good Angel, Snyder
Angel:"Don't worry, I don't bite."

Principal Snyder: "One day the campus is completely bare. Empty. The next, there are children everywhere......like locusts."

Principal Snyder: "The Summers Girl....I smell trouble. I smell expulsion, and just the faintest aroma of jail..."



Annointed One: "I hate that girl.">

Angelus: "No weapons, no friends, no hope. Take all that away and what's left?" (sound of sword swooshing) Buffy: "me."

Teresa: "Angel sends his love"

Spike: "I don't want to hurt you, baby." POW! "Doesn't mean I won't."

Spike: "What the Hell is this??" Buffy: "It's your lucky day, Spike" Kendra: "Two Slayers..." Punch! Buffy: "No Waiting" Punch!

Ted: "I don't stand for this kind of melarchy in my house."

Ted: "Beg to differ little lady. Everything you do is nothing but my business from now on." Buffy: "I think you better get outta here Right Now." Ted: "Or what?? You'll slay me? I'm real. I'm not some goblin you made up in your diary."

Ted: "You don't have to worry about anything....Daddy's Here."


Friends, Vampires, Demons and Monsters have wandered in since July 15th, 1998

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