(David Shirley)
Phone 044 933 88 88
Mobile : 0862-520-222
FreeFone: 1800-520-222
Wheelchair Accessible (8-Seater) : 0872-520-222
- MTC is the largest taxi-cab company in Mullingar.
- It has been in operation for over 18 years.
- Four of our vehicles are People-Carriers (7-8 seater cars), which are Wheelchair Accessible.
- We provide a FreeFone number, which is handy if you have no change!.
- We have proved ourselves to be reliable, reasonable
and efficient as any of our regulars will testify.- There are 18 cars radio-linked so there should be one near you
- Early mornings a speciality. 5am Start!! At Weekends we aim to go round-the-clock!.
- Email address : Taxi@iol.ie
- The Wheelchair Accessible Taxis are also very popular with buggies and prams.
- The 8-Seater Wheelchair Accessible Taxis are ideal for airports etc. lots of luggage!!.
- We employ a team of drivers that know the town and hinterland intimately.