is a MUSIClassical directory database of classical
music information collected by scholars, musicologists, composers,
performers and general classical music lovers. It was formed by a
core group of individuals from a few classical music list groups in
the mid 1990's. With the merger of these groups into the "onelist"
and "egroups"
and "Yahoo groups". The membership of hundreds of classical music
lovers who may choose to just read the posts, some reply
occassionally and others have formed a lively particepating group
discussing many topics related to classical music. Many also
contribute to the various
databases of information on this site. The reference material is
stored under the various directory headings you'll find at our
'QuickNav' icon or the search engine window found on most of our pages.
Specific databases are maintained by individuals in our group.
Anyone may use the directories. Anyone may join our group...
MUSIClassical MISSION: and aMUSIClassical directories are maintained by volunteer editors, members of
the MUSIClassical list group of classical music lovers. Many interests are served by our members who support our links. Directories are orginal and maintained by
our editors unless indicated otherwise. If you wish to contribute drop us a message or post to our list group. Support also comes from purchases via sponsor banners.
Schwann Opus Magazine Description: Schwann Opus is the most comprehensive listing of classical recordings available in the United States. Recognized as the "definitive reference guide to classical music," this annual publication contains over 45,000 CDs and cassette tapes, and features an "Artist of the Year" profile. Items are organized under the composer name, and each piece on the recording is fully listed. Thousands of classical music enthusiasts find Schwann Opus indispensable in making their purchasing decisions.