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aMUSIClassical directory
Performing Artists Database

Soloists, conductors and Ensembles. MAJOR performing artists of the past and present, with date of birth, death, nationality and pronunciation. Remember the links are maintained by the source and we cannot guarantee their accuracy.

~ G ~

  1. Gabrilowitsch, Ossip (1878 - 1936)P
  2. Galante, Inessa ( - ) sop
  3. Gale, E (8 NOV - )Eng=Sop
  4. Gale, Priscilla ( - )=Sop
  5. Galer, Suzanne ( - ) =Soprano
  6. Gall, Jeffrey ( - )Am=Countertenor
  7. Gallardo-Domas, Cristina (Santiago - )Chile=Sop,MET 1996
  8. Galli-Curci, Amelita ( - )=SOP
  9. GALLIARD ENSEMBLE Margaret Murphy Management UK
  10. Galliera, Alceo (ahl CHAY' oh gahl YAIR' ah) (1910 - )It=Con
  11. Gallois, Pascal ( - ) Bassoon
  12. Galloway, Catherine ( - )Edinburgh=Soprano
  13. Galway, James

    (GOLL way, is preferred over GAL way) (8 DEC 1939 - )Ir=Flute

  14. Ganassi, Sonia ( - ) Sop made her 1994 San Francisco Opera debut portraying the Fortunetelle
  15. GAND - GENT - GHENT (Belgium) (gehnt)
  16. Ganz, Rudolph (1877 - 1972)P
  17. Ganzarolli, Wladimiro (vlah DEE mee roh gahn zah ROH lee) ( - )Cond.
  18. Garatti, Maria Teresa (mah REE ah teh RAY zah gah RAH tee) ( - )Organist
  19. Gardelli, Lamberto ( Venice, 8 NOV 1915 - 23 JUL 1998)It=Con
  20. Gardelli, Luigi (8 NOV - )It-Swiss=Cond
  21. Gardiner, Balfour ( 1877-1950 )Eng=P-Comp
  22. Gardiner, John Eliot Sir (20 APR - )Eng=Cond.(Grandson of Egyptologist Sir Alan Gardiner and Great nephew of composer Balfour Gardiner).
  23. Garrison, Jon(Higginsville, MS - )Am=Ten, MET 1974
  24. Garrett, L (10 APR - )Eng=Sop
  25. Garvin, Bradley (River Forest, Il - )Am= Bass-Bar, MET 1993
  26. Gasdia, C (14 AUG - )It=sop
  27. Gassiev, Nikolai (Tzkhinvati, - )Ossetia-Ten, MET 1997
  28. Gati, Istvan (eesht vahn GAH tee) ( - )
  29. Gauci, Mirium (GOW chee) ( - )Sop
  30. Gauk, Alexander (galwk)( - ) = Con
  31. Gavanelli, Paolo (Alcamo, - )It=Baritone, MET 1990
  32. Gavazzeni, Gianandrea (jahn ahn DRAY' ah gah hah TSAY' nee) (1909-1996)It=Cond.
  33. Gavrilov, Andre (gahv REE loff)
  34. Gavrilov, Igor ( - )Rus-bass
  35. Gavrilova, Maria (Tcheliabinsk, - )Russia=Sop, MET 1998 (21 SEP 1955 - )Rus=P
  36. GDANSK (Poland) (gDAHNsk)
  37. Gedda, Nicolai (NICK' oh ly GEH' dah) (11 JUL - )Swed=Ten
  38. Gelber, Bruno-Leonardo (BROO noh lay oh NAHR doh JEHL ber) ( - )=P
  39. Gelenbe, Deniz Arman ( - ) P
  40. Genaux, Viveca ( - ) Mezzo-Sop
  41. Gendron, Maurice (26 DEC - )Fr=cel
  42. Geohegan, Thomas (geh HEE' gan)
  43. George, Kay Roberts ( - ) =Cond
  44. Gencer, Leyla (1928 - )Tur-Sop
  45. Genualdi, Joseph ( - )Am=V
  46. Gerello, Vassily (Chernovtsy - )Ukraine=Bar, MET 1997
  47. Gergiev, Valery (Moscow, 2 MAY - )Rus=con, MET 1994
  48. Gerhardt, Charles Allen ( - 22 FEB 1999)Cond
  49. Gershwin, George (1898 - 1937)Am=P-Comp.
  51. Geyer, Gwynne (Boyerstown, PA - )Am=Sop, MET 1992
  52. Gheorgiu, Angela (7 SEP - )Romanian=sop
  53. GHENT (Belgium) (ghent)
  54. Ghiaurov, Nicolai (nih koh LY gyah OO ruff) (13 SEP - )Bulgarian=bass
  55. Ghitalla, Armando (ahr MAHN doh gee TAHL lah)( - )BSO-Trumpet
  56. Gibbons, Jack ( - ) P
  57. Gibson, Sir Alexander (11 FEB - )Scot=cond
  58. Gielen, Michael (20 jul - )Ger=P-con
  59. Gieseking, Walter (VAHL ter GEE' sah king) (5 NOV 1895 - 1956)Ger=P
  60. Gigli, Beniamino (ben yah MEE' noh JEEL' lyee) (20 MAR 1890 - 1957 )It=ten
  61. Gilbert, A (26 JUL - ) Eng=com
  62. Gilels, Emil (ay MEEL' Gih LELLZ) (19 OCT 1910 - 1985)Rus=P
  63. Giles, Anne Diener (Ann DEE ner JYlz)
  64. Gililov, Pavel (PAH vel gih LEE luhf)
  65. Gilkyson, Eliza ( - )=VOC=G
  66. Gimse, Havard (HAW vahr YEEM seh)
  67. Giordani, Marcello (Augusta, - )It=Ten, MET 1993
  68. Giorgiu, Angela ( 1966 - )Roumanian Sop, m-Roberto Alania-tenor
  69. Giraudeau, Jean (jee roh doh)
  70. Giulini, Carlo Maria (jew LEE' nee) (9 MAY - )It=C
  71. Giustini, Lodovico (loo doh VEE' koh Joos TEE' nee)
  72. Glaetzner, Burkhard (BERK hart GLAYTZ ner) ( - )Ger=Con
  73. Glassman, Allan (NYC, - )Am=Ten, MET 1983
  74. Glavin, Kevin (Pittsburgh, PA - )Bass. MET debut 1999-2000
  75. Glazier, Richard ( - )Am=P
  76. Glennie, Evelyn (19 JUL - )Scot=Percussion-Marimba
  77. Glock, Sir W (3 MAY - )Eng=P
  78. Glover, J (13 MAY - )Eng=con
  79. Gobbi, Titto (TEE' toh GAWB' ee) (24 OCT - )It=bar
  80. Godowsky, Leopold (13 FEB 1870 - 1930)Pol-Am=P
  81. Goebel, Reinhart (31 JUL - )Ger=V-Con
  82. Goerke, Christine (Medford, NY - )Am=Sop, MET 1995
  83. Goerne, Matthias (Weimar, - )Germany=Bar, MET 1998
  84. Golani, R (22 MAR - )Is-Can=Violist
  85. Goldberg, R (17 OCT - )Ger=ten
  86. Goldstein, Gila ( May 7 - )Is-Am=P
  87. Golob, David (22 MAR 1950 - Milan, 23 OCT 2000)Am=P-Cond
  88. Golovschin, Igor (EE gohr guh laf SHEEN) ( - )Rus
  89. Golschmann, Vladimir (VLAD deh meer GOLSH' mahn) ( - )
  90. Gomberg, Harold ( - ) Am=Oboe
  91. Gomez, J (21 SEP - )Eng=sop
  92. Gonnenwein, Wolfgang (VOLF gahng GOH nin vine) ( - )
  93. Gonzalez, D (12 MAY - )Sp=ten
  94. Goodall, Sir R (13 JUL - )Eng=con
  95. Goode, Richard Stephen (good) (NYC, 1 JUN 1943 - )Am=P
  96. Goodman, Benny (30 MAY - )Am=clarinetist-Band Leader
  97. Goodman, Roy (26 JAN - )Eng=V-con
  98. Goodwin, Paul ( - )
  99. Goodyear, Stewart ( - ) = P
  100. Goosens, Sir Eugene (you JEEN GOO zinz) (26 MAY 1893 - 1962)Eng=con-com
  101. Goossens, Leon (12 JUN - )Eng=oboist
  102. Goossens, S (19 OCT - )Pol=Harpist
  103. Gorchakova, Galina (Novokuznetsk, - )Russia=Sop, MET 1995
  104. Gorecki, Henryk Mikolaj (HEN rik mee KOH why goo RET skee) ( - )
  105. Gorenman, Yuliya ( - )P
  106. Gorin, Igor (Grodek, Ukraine 26 OCT 1908 - Tucson, AZ 24 MAR 1982)Uk=Baritone-Teacher of voice at Univ of AZ
  107. Goryachev, Grisha( - )=G
  108. GOTHENBURG, (Sweden 2nd largest city) GOTEBORG=YOTEBORG (yuh teh BOOR y ee)
  109. Gould, Glenn (GOOLD) (Toronto,25 SEP 1932 - Toronto, 4 OCT 1982 ) Can=P
  110. Gould, Morton (Richmond Hill, NY 10 DEC 1913 - 1996)Am=Cond-Com
  111. Gottschalk, Louis M (8 MAY - )Am=P-com
  112. Grado, Andrew de ( - )Am=P
  113. Grainger, Percy (1882 - 1961)Austrailian-Am=P-Comp.Arranger
  114. Graf, Maria (graph) ( - )
  115. Grafenauer, Irena (eh REH nuh GRAHF eh now er) ( - )
  116. Graffman, Gary (GRAHF min) ( - )=P (One arm)Dir:Curtis'96
  117. Graham, Susan

    (Roswell, NM - )Am=Mez-Sop

    MET 1991 Interview, May 2000

  118. Granados, Enrique (1867 - 1918)Sp=P-Comp.
  119. Grandt, Michael (MY kul grant) ( - )
  120. Grappelli, Stephane (STEF an grah PEL ee) ( - 1997)Fr=V
  121. Graves, Denise (Washington, DC - )Am=Sop, MET 1995
  122. Gray, L. E. (29 MAY - )Scot=sop
  123. Grean, Lorin ( - ) =Celtic Harp
  124. Green-Armytage, Christopher ( - )Eng=P
  125. Green, Jonathan (NYC, NY - )Tenor. MET debut 1999-2000
  126. Greene, Arthur ( - )Am=P
  127. Gregorian, Gegam ( - )ten
  128. Grice, Jeffrey ( - ) P
  129. Grieg, Edvard Hagerup (15 JUN 1843 - 4 SEP 1907)Nor.=P-Comp.
  130. Griffey, Anthony Dean (High Point, NC - )Am=Ten, MET 1995
  131. Grigoryan, Slava (1976 - )Russia=Guitar
  132. Grillo, Joann (NYC, 14 MAY 1939 - Brooklyn, NY 1 FEB 1999)Am=Mez-Sop
  133. Grimaud, Helene

    ( EH leen greh MOH) (ax on proh vonce - )F=P Interview, May 2000

  134. Griminelli, Andrea (AHN dree ah grih mih NEH lee) ( - )flute
  135. Grishko, Vladimir (Kiev, - )Ukraine=Ten, MET 1996
  136. Grosz, Edith (A deet grohs)( - )
  137. Grove, Jill (Galveston, - )Am=Mez-Sop, MET 1998
  138. Groves, Sir Charles (10 MAR - )Eng=Con
  139. Groves, Paul (Lake Charles, LA - )Am-Ten, MET 1992
  140. Gruber, Andrea ( - )Sop
  141. Gruberova, Edita (eh DEE tah GROO ber roh vah) (23 DEC 1946 - )Slovak=sop
  142. Gruenberg, Erich (EH reek GRUN berg) ( - )
  143. Grumiaux, Arthur (ar TOOR groo mee YOH)( - )Fr=P
  144. Grundheber, Ernst ( - )Bar
  145. Grunewald, Eugenie (New Orleans, - )Am=Mez-Sop, MET 1998
  146. GRUPO DE MUSICA 'ALFONSO EL SABIO (GROO poh day MOO see kah al FOHN soh DEE ehs ehl SAH bee oh
  147. GUARNERI STRING QUARTET (gwar NEH ree)Organized in 1963 at Marlboro Festival in Vermont by Arnold Steinhart, violinist. For three decades he was joined by David Soyer, cello; John Dally, violin; Michael Tree, viola. Joined with pianist Claude Frank.
  148. Guarrera, Frank (gwah REH' rah)
  149. Guelfi, Carlo (Rome, IT - )Baratone. MET debut 1999-2000
  150. Guest, George (19 FEB - )Eng=Con-Organist
  151. Gui, Vittorio (vee toh REE' oh GOO' ee) (14 SEP - )It=Con
  153. Gulda, Friederich (FREE' drich GOOL' dah) ( 16 MAY 1930 - 27 JAN 2000 )=P Gulda Obit, London Times
  154. Guleghina, Maria (Odessa, - )Ukraine=Sop, MET 1990
  155. Gunn, Nathan (South Bend, In - )Am=Bar, MET 1995
  156. Gura, Werner ( - ) tenor
  157. Guschlbauer, Theodore (TAY uh door GOO shul bow er) ( - )G=Con
  158. Gustavson, Nancy (27 JUN - )Am=Sop
  159. Gutierrez, Horacio (oh RAH see oh goo TEH rays) (Havana, 28 AUG 1948 - )CUBA-P
  160. Guyer, Joyce (Okmulgee, OK - )Am=Sop, MET 1988

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