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Sunday, March 9, 2025
  The Strad Magazine DescriptionThe Strad is a classical music magazine focusing on the violin, viola, cello, viol, and other stringed instruments. Each monthly issue offers reviews, news, and event information.
  The Strad Magazine DescriptionThe Strad is a classical music magazine focusing on the violin, viola, cello, viol, and other stringed instruments. Each monthly issue offers reviews, news, and event information.

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aMUSIClassical directory Performing Artists Database Soloists, conductors and Ensembles.
MAJOR performing artists of the past and present, with date of birth, death,
nationality and pronunciation.
Remember the links are maintained by the source
and we cannot guarantee their accuracy.
~ M ~
Ma, Yo-Yo (MAH)( 7 OCT - )Fr-Am= Cellist
- Maag, Peter (MAGH) (Sw, 1920 - Verona, 19 APR 2001 )Swiss=Con
- Maazel, Lorin (LOHR in MAH zel) ( 6 MAR - )Am=Cond-V
- Macal, Zdenek (ZDEH nyek MAH tsahl)Czech=Con
- MacGregor, J (16 JUN - )Eng=P
- Mackerras, Sir Charles (muh KAH rus)(Schenectady, NY 17 NOV -
)Australian=Con, MET 1972
- Mackie, N (11 DEC - )Scot=Ten
- Mackintosh, Catherine ( - ) V-Cond
- MacNamara, Hilary ( - )Pianist
- Macurdy, John (Detroit, - )Am=Bass, MET 1962
- Magaloff, Nikita ( 21 FEB - )Rus-Swiss=P
- Maggio-Ormezowski, Franco (FRAHN koh MAH joh or meh ZOFF skee)
- Magy, Sandor Solyom (SHAN dohr SAWL yahm mahj)
- Mahler, Gustav ( 7 JUL 1860 - 18 MAY 1911)Austrian=Comp-Cond
- Maisky,
Mischa (MEE sha MY skee)(10 JAN - )Latvian=Cel
- Makarina, Olga (Archangelsk, Russia - )Rus=Sop, MET 1998
- Maksymiuk, Jerzy (YAIR' zee max eh ME' ook) (9 APR - )Pol=Con
- Maliponte, Adriana ( - ) =
Malitz, Roger (
- )Am=Cel
- Malcolm, George ( 28 FEB 1917 - 14 OCT 1997)ENG=Harpscd=C
- Malcuzynski, Witold (VEE told mal soo JIN skee)
- Malgoire, Jean (zhaun mahl GWAR')
- Malibran, M (24 MAR - )Sp=Contr
- Malfitano, Cathrine (NYC, 18 APR - )Am=Sop, MET 1979
- Malgoire, J-C (25 NOV - )Fr=Con-Oboe
Mann, John (
- Manning, J (20 SEP - )Eng=Sop
- Mantovani, P. Anunzio (15 NOV - )Eng=V-Con
Manze, Andrew ( -
- Marcoulescou, Yolanda (MAR koo LES koo)(1923 - 1992)Bucharest, HUNG=Sop
- Margalit, Israela (is RAY lah MAR goh lit) ( - )P
- Margison, Richard (Victoria, - )Canada=Ten, MET 1995
- Marinuzzi, Gino (GEE noh mah ree noot tsee)( - )
- Markey, Jim ( - )Am=trombone, NY Phil
- Markl, Jun (Munich, - )Ger=Cond, MET 1998
- Markevich, Igor (EE' gohr mar KAY' vitch) (27 JUL - )Rus-Swiss=C
- Markovici, S (30 JAN - )Romanian=V
- Marriner, Neville Sir(NEH vul MAH reh ner)( 15 APR - )Eng=V-Cond
- Marsalis, Branford (26 AUG - )Am=Sax (brother)
mar SAH liss, is preferred over mar SAL iss
Wynton (18 OCT 1961)Am=Tr (brother)
- Marshall, - (4 JAN - )Scot=Sop
- Marshall, W (31 JAN - )Eng=Organ-P-Con
- Martineau, Malcolm ( - )Scot=P
- Martenon, Maurice (MAR tee nohn) (Paris, 14 OCT 1898 - Paris, 10 OCT
1980 - )FR=Inventor of Ondes Martenon,
electronic musical instrument.
- Martin, Gary (Morrison, IL - )Am=Bar, MET 1998
- Martin, Joel 20 APR 1996 - )
- Martinez, O de la (31 OCT - )Cuba=Con
- Martinon, Jean (zhahn mahr tee nohn) ( - )Fr=con
Marton, Eva (18 JUN 1943 -)Hung=Sop
- Masters, R (9 SEP - )Eng=Harp
- Masterson, Valerie (3 JUN - )Eng=Sop
- Marusin, Yuri (Perm, - )Rus=Ten, MET 1998
- Massis, Annick (Paris, - )Fr=Sop, MET 1998
- Masson, D (21 JUN - )Sp-Fr=Con
- Masterson, V (3 JUN - )Eng=Sop
- Masur, Kurt (koort mah ZOOR') (18 JUL - )Ger=C
- Mata, Eduardo (MAH tah) (Mexico City, 5 SEP 1942 - Mexico Air Crash, OBIT
- Mathis, Edith (ay DEET mah TEES)(11 FEB - )Swiss=Sop
- Mattila, Karita (Ervela, 5 SEP - )Finn=Sop, MET 1990
- Mauceri, John (maw CHER ee) (12 SEP - )Am=Con
Maurer, Laurel
Ann ( - )Am=Flutist
- Matthay, (MAT' ay) English music prof.
- Mavrovitis, Reveka (Fremont, CA - )Am=Mez-Sop, MET 1995
- Maxwell, D (12 DEC - )Scot=Bar
- McCabe, John ( 9 - )Liverpool, Eng
McCormack, John (14 JUN - )Ir-Am=Ten
- McCormick, Mary Ann (Pittsburgh, - )Am=Mez-Sop, MET 1991
- McCreesh, Paul (24 MAY - )Eng=Con
- McDaniel, John (St. Louis, 26 FEB 1961 - )Am=cond-arr-P
- McDonall,
Lois ( - ) Soprano
- McDuffy, Robert ( - )Am=V
- McDougall, Ian ( - )
Canadian trombonist
Bobby ( - )Am=Cond
McGegan, Nicholas
(14 JAN - )Eng=Harpsc'd-Con
- McGlin, John (18 SEP - )Am=Con
- McGregor, Joanna ( - ) Eng=P
- McIntyre, Sir D (22 OCT - )NZ=BassBar
- McLaughlin, M (2 NOV - )Scot=Sop
Sylvia (Mansfield, OH 23 JUN - )Am=Sop, MET 1992
McPHERSON TRIO British Columbia, Canada
- McVeigh, John (Manchester, CN - )Am=Ten, MET 1997
- Medina, Jesus ( - )Mex=Cond.
- Mehta, Bejin ( - ) counter-tenor
Zubin (ZOO bin MAY tah) (Bombay, 28 APR - )In=Con
- Meier, Waltraud VAL trood MY er (9 JAN 1956 - )Ger=MEZSop
- Melba, Dame Nellie (19 MAY - )Australian=Sop
Lauritz (LOW ritz MEL kyor) ( - )DAN=TEN
los) (Based in Stuttgart)
- Meneses, Antonio ( - )cellist
- Mengelberg, Wilhelm (VIL luhm MEN gul bairg) (28 MAR - )Dutch=Con
- Menges, Herbert (MENG ihs)( - )Eng=Con
- Mentzer, Susanne soo zann MEANT zer
(Philadelphia, - )Am=Mez-Sop, MET 1989
- Menuhin, Hebzibah (HEP' zeh bah MEHN'
oo in)Am=P (sister)
(MEN you in = American, meh NOO in = European)
- Menuhin, Jeremy (SF, - )Am=P, son of Yehudi
- Menuhin, Yehudi (yeh HOO' dee MEHN' oo in) (22 APR
1916, NYC
- 12 MAR 1999, Berlin
(brother, father)
"Yehudi Menuhin: A Life"
One of the best-loved classical musicians of the twentieth century, Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999)
was born in New York City to Russian Jewish immigrants. The gifted violinist gave his first solo
recital at the age of eight and within five years rose to international fame. In addition to his
enduring career as a performer and conductor, Menuhin was a tireless champion of humanitarian
causes, ran the Bath Festival, founded a renowned music school, and served as cultural
ambassador to the United Nations.
- Meppelink, Hieke (HEE kuh MEP uh link) ( - )Sop
Stephen ( - )Cond
- Mero, Yolanda (1887 - 1963)Hung-Am=P
- Merrick, F (30 APR - )Eng=P
- Merrill,
Robert (4 JUN - )Am=Bar
Chris (27 SEP - )Am=Ten
- Merville, Francois (frahn SWAH mehr VEE)
- Mescheriakova, Marina (Volgograd, - )Rus=Sop, MET 1997
- Mesple, Mady ( - ) =Sop
- Mester, Jorge (jorg MEHS ter)(Mexican Born American prefers not to use
HORhay, aka Bruno Pantolfo)(10 APR 1935 - )Mex=cond-violist
- Metson, Marian Ruhl (-)Organist
- Meyer, Carol (Potsville, IO - )Am=Sop, MET 1995
- Meyer, Edgar ( - ) =BASS V
- Meyer, K (3 APR - )Swed=MezSop
Sabine (SAH bine My er) ( - )Ger=Clar
also see Myers
- Michalkova, Alzbeta (AHLZ beh tah MEE kal kov vah)
Michaels, Steven ( - )Am=P
- Michaels-Moore, Anthony (Grays, 8 APR - )Eng=bar, MET 1996
- Michejew, Alexander (mee KAY chef)( - )cellist
- Michelangeli, Arturo Benedetti (Mee keh LAHN' gel ee) (Brescia, 5 JAN 1920 - 1995) Lugano,
SW 12 JUN 1995 )IT=P
- Micheau, Janine (jah neen mee sho)
Midori (Midori Goto)
(mee DOOR ee)(Goto, Mi Dori) (Osaka, 25 OCT 1971 - )Jpn=V
- Miessen, Marijke (mah RY kah MEE suhn)( - ) recorder
- Migenes, Julia (Johnson) ( 13 MAR - )PR=Soprano
- Mikulas, Peter (PAY ter MEE koo lash)
- Milanov, Zinka (ZING kah MEE lah noff)
- Milanova, S (5 AUG - )Bulg=V
- Milenkovich, Stefan (Mih-lehn-koh-vitz) ( 1977 - )Yugoslavian= V
- Miles, Alistair (Harrow, - )Eng=Bass, MET 1996
- Milkeviciute, Irena (Kaunas, - )Lithuania=Sop, MET 1998
- Miller, Tonna (Waco, - )Am=Sop, MET 1998
- Millo, Aprile (NYC, 14 APR - )Am=Sop, MET 1984
- Mills, Mary (Shreveport, LA - )Am=Sop, MET 1994
- Milman, Mikhail (mee KAH eel MIL moon)
- Milne, A (27 APR - )Scott=P
- Milnes,
Sherrill (SHEH ril MILNZ)(10 JAN - )Am=Bar
Milstein, Nathan (nah TAHN MIL stine)(NAY thun
MIL styn)(31 DEC -
ORCHESTRA f. 1974 by conductor Hilary Davan Wetton.
- Minkowski, Marc (meen KOW skee)( - )Cond.
- Minter, D (11 JAN - )Am=ConTen
- Minton, Yvonne (4 DEC - )Australian=MezSop
- Mintz, Schlomo (30 OCT - )Rus=V
Miolin, Anders ( - )=G
- Mirabal, Robert ( - ) Native AM=VOC=FL
Miricioiu, Nelly (mee ree CHOY
oo)(31 MAR - )Romanian=Sop
- Mischakov, M (16 APR - )Rus=Am-V
- Mitchinson, J (31 MAR - )Eng=Ten
- Mitropoulos, Dimitri (dih MEE tree mah TRAH poh lus)( 1 MAR - )GR-Am=C
Mizukami, Aya ( - )Jpn=P
- Modl, Martha (mer dil)
Moffo, Anna (AH
nah MAH foh)(27 JUN - )Am=Sop
- Moiseiwitsch, Beno (beh noh moy SAY ah vitch)(22 FEB 1890 -1963
- Molinari, Bernardino (Rome, 11 APR 1880 - Rome, 25 DEC 1952)It-Con, Rome
Augusteo Orch.
- Molinari-Pradelli, Francesco (frahn CHESS koh moh lee NAH ree prah
DAY lee) (Bologna, 4 JUL 1911 - It=con
- Moll, K (11 APR - )Ger=Bass
- Moll, Phillip (mole)( - )
- Moller, Wouter (WOW ter MOH er)( - ) harpsichord
- Monden, Godelieve (mon DAN')
- Montague, D (8 APR - )Eng=MezSop
- Montagnana Trio (MON' tahn YAH' nah)
- Monteux, Claude (klawd mohn TOH)(mon TOE') ( - )Fr=Fl (son)
- Monteux, Pierre (pee yair mon TOH)( 4 APR 1875, Paris - 1 JUL 1964,
Hancock, Maine)Fr=Con
Moodie, Henrie ( -
)Con - Harlem Opera
- Moody, T. E. (M. Unit Project) (25 JAN 1954) IN-AM=V=Mandolin=G
- Moon, Sandra (Dayton, OH - )Am=Sop, MET 1997
- Moore, Gerald (30 JUL - )Eng=P
- Moravec, Ivan (EE'vahn MOOR'ah vets) ( - )=P
- Mork, Truis (25 APR - )Norw=Cel
- Morelli,
Frank (meh REH lee) ( - )bassoon
- Morese, Andrea (3 JUL 1957)MA-AM=VOC=P
- Morrell, Gareth (Southport, - )Eng=Con, MET 1998
- Morris, Gareth (13 MAY - )Eng=Fl
- Morris, James (Baltimore, - )Am=BassBar, MET 1971
- Morris, Kenneth (Chicago, - )Am=Ten, MET 1998
Morris, Scott ( -
- Morris, W (14 FEB - )Welsh=Con
- Mortimore, H (10 APR - )Eng=Con-Trumpet
- Mravinsky, Evgeni ( 4 JUN 1903 - 19 JAN 1988)Rus=Cond.
Muffitt, Timothy (
- ) Con
- Mukk, Jozsef (YOH zhef mook)
- Muller, Edoardo (Trieste, - )It=Cond, MET 1984
- Muller, Otto Werner ( - )Ger.=Cond.- Juilliard Music Prof (orchestral conducting, orchestral studies)
- Muller-Lorenz, Wolfgang (Cologne, Germany - )Tenor. MET debut 1999-2000
- Mullova, Victoria (27 NOV - )Rus=V
- Munch, Charles (sharl mun ch) ( - )FR=Con
- Munchinger, Karl (MUN ching er)Ger=con
- MUNCHNER BLASERAKADEMIE KOLN (MOONK ner BLAY zer ah kah day mee koln)
- Mund, Uwe (OO vah MOONT)Con
- Munroe, David (Birmingham, 12 AUG 1942 - Buckinghamshire, 15 MAY 1976
)Eng=Recorder, Early Music Consort of London. Death, deprssion/suicide)
- Murdock, Katherine ( - ) Va
- Murphy, Peter (11 JUL 1957 - )Am=G-Voc
- Murphy, S ( 15 OCT - )Scot=Sop
- Murray, Ann (27 AUG - )Ir=Mez-Sop
- Murray, John Horton (Braunschweig, - )Ger=Ten, MET 1990
MUSE-ART Guitar Duo
- MUSICA AD RHENUM Ensemble (MOO zee kah ahd RAY num)
- MUSICA INTAVOLATA Israeli Baroque Ensemble. Drora Bruck, recorder; Miri Singer, harpsichrd; and Isidoro Roitman, archlute.
- Mustonen, Ollie (OH' lee MOST toh nin) (Helsinki, 1967 - )Fin =
Riccardo(ree KAR doh MOO tee) (Naples, 23 JUL 1941 - )It=Con
Anne-Sophie (AH'nah SOH'fee MOO'ter) (29 JUN 1963 - )GER=V
- Myers, Philip ( - )Am=horn, NYPhil