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Sunday, February 23, 2025


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Performing Artists Database

Soloists, conductors and Ensembles. MAJOR performing artists of the past and present, with date of birth, death, nationality and pronunciation. Remember the links are maintained by the source and we cannot guarantee their accuracy.

Performing Artists "S" Continued

  1. Seaman, C (7 MAR - )Eng=Con
  3. Sebestyen, Janos (YAH nohsh SHEH beh styen) ( - )
  4. Sebok, Gyorgy (gay OR gee seh BAHK) (Szeged, 2 NOV 1922 - Bloomington, IN, 14 NOV 1999 )Hun=P-Prof Univ IN.
  5. Secombe, Sir H. (7 SEP - )Welsh=Ten
  6. Sedov, Denis (St. Petersburg, -)Rus=Bass, MET 1996
  7. Seefried, Imgaard (IRM gart ZAY freet)( - )
  8. Seeman, Carl (ZAY' mahnn)
  9. Segal, Uri (7 MAR - )Isr=Con
  10. Segar, Kathleen (Dearborn, MI - )Mezzo-Soprano. MET debut 1999-2000
  11. Segerstam, Leif (Layf SEH ger stahm) ( - )Swed=con
  12. Segovia, Andres ( ahn DRAYS seh GOH vee ah)(21 FEB - )Sp=G
  13. Seibel, Klauspeter ( - )Con
  14. Seiffert, P (4 JAN - )Ger=Ten
  15. Seipenbush, Edgar (ZY pen boosh) ( - )con
  16. Selig, Franz-Josef (Mayen, -)Ger=Bass, MET 1998-9
  17. Sejna, Karol (SHA nah) ( - )Czech=con
  18. Selfe, Ned (6 MAY 1953 - )AM=G
  19. Sembrich, M (15 FEB - )Polish=Sop
  20. Seow, Yitkin ( - )=P
  22. Serafin, Tulio (TOO' lee oh sair ah FEEN') ( - )IT=C
  23. Serebrier, Jose (hoy SAY seh ree bree AIR) ( 3 DEC 1938 - )Uruguay=con-com
  24. Sereni, Mario (MAH ree oh seh RAY nee)( - )It
  25. Serkin, Peter (PEE ter SIR kin)(24 JUL - )Am=Pianist (son)
  26. Serkin, Rudolf (ROO dolwlf SIR kin)(28 MAR - )Pol-Am= Pianist (father)
  27. Sgouros, Dimitris (dee MEE trees ZGOO rohs) (Athens, 30 AUG 1969 - )Gr=P
  28. Shafran, Daniil ( 13 JAN 1923 - 7 FEB 1997)Rus=C
  29. Shaham, Gil ( - )=V (brother) (SHA' ham)(Family pronunciation).
  30. Shaham, Hagai ( - ) =V
  31. Shaham, Orli ( - )Am=P (sister>
  32. Shands, Patricia, =CL
  33. Shankar, Ravi (7 APR - )In=Sitar
  34. Shaulis, Jane (Belleville, NJ - )Am=Sop, MET 1991
  35. Shaw, Robert Lawson
    ( Red Bluff, CA 30 APR 1916 - New Haven, CT 25 JAN 1999 )CA = Choral Cond., Atlanta Sym.

  36. Shawndeya (12 OCT 1942) Chicago-AM = Harpist
  37. Sharapova, Irina ( - )Rus-Pianist
  38. Shelley, Howard ( 9 MAR - )Eng=P-Cond
  39. Shelton, Lucy (22 FEB - )Am=Sop
  40. Shenandoah, Joanne (Native)AM=VOC=G=FL=Com
  41. Sheppard, C (26 NOV - )Am=P
  42. Sherman, R ( - )P
  43. Shevelevich, Olga( - )Rus-harpist
  44. Shicoff, Niel (2 JUN - )Am=Ten
  45. Shimell, W. (23 SEP - )Eng=Bar
  46. Shin, Youngok (Seoul, - )Kor=Sop, MET 1991
  47. Shirley, George (18 APR 1932 - )Am=Ten
  48. Shirley-Quirk, John (2 AUG - )Eng=Bar (husband)
  49. Shirley-Quirk, Sara Watkins ( - )oboe-cond. (wife>
  50. Shostakovich, Maxim (mahk SEEM sha stah KOH vitch) (10 MAY - )Rus-Con (Son of Dimitri s.)
  51. Shouse, Catherine Filene ( 1896 - 1994) Am-Arts patron
  52. Shouse, Catherine Filene ( - )Am=
  53. Shumsky, Oscar (Phila, 23 MAR 1917 - Rye, NY, 24 JUL 2000) Am=Violinist, cond., teacher. New York Times, Obit
  54. Sidwell, M (23 FEB - )Eng=Con-Org
  55. Siepe, Cesare (CHAY sah ray see EH pee)It=ten
  56. Silbermann, Gottfried ( - )Ger=Organ builder
  57. Silins, Egils (Liegatne, Latvia - )Bass. MET debut 1999-2000
  58. Silja, Anja (AHN yah SEEL yah) ( - )sop
  59. Sills, Beverly (25 MAY - )AM=SOP
  60. Silva, Luigi (13 NOV 1903 - 1961)It=C
  61. Silverstein, Joseph (SIL ver styn) ( - )Am=V-con
  62. Silvestri, C (13 MAY - )Rom-Eng=Con-Com
  63. Simionato, Giulietta (joo LYET tah see MYO NAH tah)
  64. Simon, Abbey (Ah bee SY min) ( - ) P Moores's School of Music, Faculty
  65. Sinadinovic, Dejan Pianist
  66. SINFONIA 21 founded 1989 as Docklands Sinfonietta London. Martyn Brabbins, prin. cond.
  67. SINFONIA VARSOVIA Warsaw Poland (In Polish)
  68. Singher, Martial (mar syahl sahn gehr)
  69. Sinopoli, Guiseppi (joo ZEP pay sih NOH poh lee)(Venice, 2 NOV 1946 - Berlin, 20 APR 2001 )It=Con
  70. Sipkay, Deborah (SHIP ky) ( - )harp
  71. Sitkovetsky, Dimitri (27 SEP - )Rus=V
  72. Skok, Heidi (Painesville, OH, - )Am=Sop, MET 1992
  73. Skovhus, Bo (Ikast, - )Dan=Bar, MET 1998-9
  74. Skrowaczewski, Stanislav (stah NEE swaf skro vah CHEFF skee)(3 OCT - )Pol-Am=Con-Com
  75. Skwortsow, Alexander ( - )=V
  76. Slatkin, Felix ( 1915 - 1963 )AM= Cond (Father of Leonard)
  77. Slatkin, Leonard
    ( 1 SEP 1944 - )Am = Cond-St.Louis Sym Orch
  78. Slavny, Andrei ( - )Rus-baritone
  79. Slencynska, Ruth (slen ZINS kah)
  80. Slonimsky, Nicolas (27 APR 1894 - 25,26 or 27 DEC 1995 ) Writer-Baker's Bio Dictionary Editor
  81. Slovak, Ladislav (LAH dih slav SLOH vahk) ( 1919 - died in Bratislava )Slovak=con
  82. Slovik, Kenneth (SLOH wik) ( - )cond.
  83. Smetacek, Vaclav (VAHT slaf smeh TAH chek) ( - )Czech=con
  84. Smith, Brooks ( 1912 - Covina, CA 31 OCT 2000)Am=P NY Times, Obit
  85. Smith, Darren ( - )
  86. Smith, Gregg ( - ) Choral Director
  87. Smith, Gregory ( - )Clar=Chicago SO
  88. Smith, J (13 JUL - )Eng=Sop
  89. Smith, Phil ( - )Am=trm
  90. Sobol, Lawrence (SEW bul) ( - )Clarinet
  91. Soderstrom, Elisabeth (SOH der strom)(Stockholm, 7 MAY - )Swed=Sop, MET 1959
  92. SOKKELUND SANGKOR Chorus (SOH kuh loond SAHNG kohr)
  93. Soffel, D (15 MAY - )Ger=MezSop
  94. Soifertis, Evgeny (Kiev, - )Rus=P
  95. Sokolov, Grigory ( - )Rus=P
  96. SOLARIS QUARTET Margaret Murphy Agency, UK
  97. Solea, Maria Mana (MAHn yah mah REE ah soh LAY ah) ( - )
  98. Solin, Hans (hahns ZOH lin) ( - )
  99. Sollscher, Goran (GORE in ZOLL cher) ( - )=G
  100. Solomon, Izler (EYEz ler SAH loh min) ( - ) Cond
  101. Solomon, Yonty (YAHN tee SAH loh min) (9 AUG - )Eng=P
  102. Solomonow, Rami, =VA
  103. Solti, Georg (gay ORG SHOL' tee) (21 OCT 1912 - 4 SEP 1997) HUNG=C=P
  104. Solum, John (SOH lum) ( - )flute
  105. Somary, Johannes (yoh HAN is soh MAR ee) ( - )Eng=con
  107. Sonstevold, Knut (Knoot SOHN stuh vohl) ( - )Sw=harpscd
  108. Souzay, Gerard (jher ahr soo zay)(8 DEC - )Fr=Bar
  109. Sowash, Bradley (SOH' wash) (3 SEP 1960 - )OH=P=COM
  110. Soviero, Diana ( - )Sop
  111. Spacagna, Maria (Providence, RI - )Am=Sop, MET 1990
  112. Spalding, Albert ( - )Am=V
  113. Spanjaard, Ed (SPAHN yard) ( - )D=P-con
  114. Spano, Robert ( - )Am=Cond-Comp-P, Atlanta Sym, Brooklyn Philh.
  115. Spanoghe, Viviane (vee Vyahn spah NOH khuh) ( - )cellist
  116. Spielberg, Robin (20 NOV 196?) AM=P=Comp
  117. Spivakov, Vladimir (12 SEP - )Rus=V-cond
  118. St.Clair, Carl ( - )Am=Con
  119. St. Petersburg Male Choir
  121. Stacy, Tom ( - )Am-Eng horn
  122. Stader, Maria (STAH der) ( - 30 APR 1999) Sop
  124. Staier, Andreas (scht EYE' er)( 1955 - )P
  125. Stamitz, J. W. (19 JAN - )Bohemian=V-Com
  126. Stanciu, Simion (SEE mohn STAHN choo) ( - )panflute
  127. Standage, Simon (8 NOV - )Eng=V
  128. Starker, Janos (YAH nohsh STAR ker)(5 JUL - )Hung-Am=Cel
  129. Steber, Eleanor(STEE ber) ( 1914 - 1990 ) Sop
  130. Steel-Perkins, Crispian ( - ) =trumpet
  131. Stefano, Guiseppi (24 JUL - )It=Ten
  132. Stein, Horst (Shtein)( - )con
  133. Steinberg, W (1 AUG - )Ger-Am=Con
  134. Stengaard, Frode (FROH deh STEN gohr) ( - )
  135. Stenz, M (28 FEB - )Ger=Con
  136. Stern, Isaac (21 JUL - )Rus-Am=V
  137. Stevenson, Tony (Greenville, SC - )Am=Ten, MET 1993
  138. Stich-Randall, Teresa (tuh REE sah stik RAN dull) (24 DEC - )Am-Sop
  139. Stockhausen, Karlheinz (KARL hynz STOK how zen ( - )Ger=con
  140. Stockigh, Siegfried (SEEG'freed Shteh KEET) ( - ) P
  141. Stokowski, Leopold (lay oh polt stoh KOF skee) (London, 18 APR 1881 - 1977)Eng-Am=Con
  142. Stockton, Rick ( - )Am=V
  143. Stoltzman, Richard (stolts man)(12 JUL - )Am=Clar
  144. Stolze, Gerhard (GEHR hard SHTOHL tsuh) (1926 - 1979 )Ger-Ten
  145. Stone, William (Goldsboro, NC - )Am=Bar, MET 1998
  146. Stott, Kathryn (10 DEC - )Eng=P
  147. Stradivari, F (1 FEB - )It=V maker
  148. Straka, Peter (Zlin, - )Czech=Ten, MET 1991
  149. Strange, Alison ( - )ENG=V
  150. Strano, Francesco (frahn CHES koh STRAH noh) ( - )
  151. Stratas, Teresa (26 MAY - )Can=Sop
  152. Stratta, Ettore (eh TOR ray STRAH tah)( - )con
  153. Strauss, Richard ( 11 JUN 1864 - 8 SEP 1949)Ger=Cond-P-Comp.
  154. Streich, Rita (REE tah SHTRIK) (18 DEC - )Ger=Sop
  155. Stroutsos, Gary (STROW' sus) (19 JUL 1954)VT AM=FL
  156. Struckmann, Falk (Heilbronn, - )Ger=Bar, MET 1997
  157. Stryja, Karol (KAH rol STREE yah)Pol=Con
  158. Studebaker, Thomas (Danville, IL - )Am=Ten, MET 1997
  159. Studer, Carol (24 OCT - ) Am=Sop
  160. SUDDEUTSCHE PHILHARMONIK - South German Radio - Stuttgart
  161. SUISSE ROMANDE ORCH (swis roh MAHN ) Amsterdam
  162. Suitner, Atmar (AHT' mar SWEET' ner)Ger=Opera Dir
  163. Suk, Joseph (YOH zef sook) (8 AUG - )Czech=V
  164. Sullivan, Maireid ( - ) =Voc
  165. Summers, J (2 OCT - )Australian=Bar
  166. Summers, Patrick (Washington, IN - )Am=Cond, MET 1998-9
  167. Supervia, Conchita (kon CHEE tah soo per VEE ah) (9 DEC - )Sp=MezSop
  168. Susskind, Walter (SOOS kind)(1 MAY - )Czech-Am=Con
  169. Sutherland, Dame Joan (7 NOV - )Australian=Sop - (m=R. Bonyng-Con)
  170. Suzuki, Hidemi and Ichiro (ee CHEE roh & hee DEH mee soo ZOO jkee)
  172. Svetlanov, Evgeny (vef GAY nee svet LAH nof)(6 SEP 1928 - )Rus=Con-Com
  173. Swarowsky, Hans (hahns svah ROFF skee)( - )Pol=cond
  174. Sweet, Sharon (Gloversville, NY - )Am=Sop, MET 1990
  175. Swenson, Joseph ( - )=V-Cond.
  176. Swenson, Ruth Anne (Bronxville, NY - )Am=Soprano, MET 1988
  177. Swierczewski, Michel (mee shel shver CHEV skee) ( - )Pol=con
  178. Sykes, Jubilant ( - )Am=Singer
  179. Sylvester, Michael (Nobelville, IN - )Am=Ten, MET 1991
  180. Szabo, Imrich (EEM reek SAH boh) ( - )
  181. Szabo, Miklos (MEE klosh SAH boh) ( - )
  182. Szecsodi, Ferenc (FEH rehents SEH choh dee) ( - )
  183. Szekely, Istvan =P
  184. Szelecsenyi, Norbert (SEH leh chen yee) ( - )
  185. Szell, George (Gyorgie) (Budapest, 7 JUN 1897 - Cleveland, 30 JUL 1970 )Hung-Am=Con-P-Com - Cleveland O
  186. Szerynk, Henryk (AHN' rik SHEAR' ing) ( Zelazova Wola, 22 SEP 1918 - Kassel, Germany 3 MAR 1988 )Pol-Mex=V aka HENRYK SZERYNG Violin
  187. Szigeti, Joseph (YOH zef SIH geh tee)( - ) On The Violin
  188. Szokolay, Balazs (BAH lahz SOH koh lee)

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