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Performing Artists Database

Soloists, conductors and Ensembles. MAJOR performing artists of the past and present, with date of birth, death, nationality and pronunciation. Remember the links are maintained by the source and we cannot guarantee their accuracy.

~ V ~

  1. Vaduva, Leontina (Rosille, Romania - )Soprano. MET debut 1999-2000
  2. Vaillant, Monsegur( - )Sop-P
  3. Vajda, Gergely (GAR geh lee VY day) ( - )Clarinet
  4. Vajda, Jozsef (YOH zef VY day) ( - )bassoon
  5. Vajnar, Frantisek (FRAHN teh shek VY nar) ( - )Czech=con
  6. Valayre, Sylvie (Paris, FR - )Soprano. MET debut 1999-2000
  7. Valdes, Eduardo (Santurce, - )Puerto-Rico=Ten, MET 1994
  8. Valente, Benita (buh NEE tah vuh LEN tee) ( - )
  9. Van Allen, R (28 MAY - )Eng=Bass
  10. Van Asperen, Bob (bohb vuhn AHS puh run) ( - )harpscd-organist Photo
  11. Van Beinum, Eduard (vuhn BY num)( - )= Con
  12. Van Dam, Jose (25 AUG - )Belgian=Bass-Bar
  13. Van Der Leist (vuhn der LYST) ( - )
  14. Van Der Zwart, Teunis (TOH nihs vuhn der ZVART)( - )
  15. Van Doeselaar, Leo (LAY oh vuhn DOO seh lahr) ( - )
  16. van Keulen, Isabelle (fahn KOO lin) (16 DEC - ) Dutch-V
  17. Van Oortmerssen, Jacques (zhak vuhn ORT mer sen)( - )
  18. Van Remoortel, Edouard (ed wahr vahn ray mor TEL)
  19. Van Ruth, Franz (frahns vuhn ROOT) ( - )
  20. Van Stralen, Esther (vuhn STRAH lin) ( - )violist
  21. Van Waas, Guy (khee vuhn VAHS) ( - )
  24. Vandernoot, Andre (ahn DRAY vuhn der NOTE) ( - )=Con
  25. Vane, Kyra ( - )Russian-English=Sop
  26. Vaness, Carol (San Diego, 27 JUL 1952 - )Am=Sop, MET 1984
  27. Vanessa-Mae ( - )=V
  28. Vanska, Osmo (OHS moh VAHN skah) ( - )con
  29. Varady, Julia (1 SEP 1941?- )Roumanian=Sop
  30. Varcoe, S (19 MAY - )Eng-Bar
  31. Varga, Laszlo (LAHS loh VAR gah) ( - )cellist
  32. Vargas, Ramon (Mexico City, - )Mexico=Ten, MET 1994
  33. Varjon, Denes (DEH nesh VAHR yohn) ( - )
  34. Varnay, Astrid (VAHR ny) (25 APR 1918 - )=Sop
      "Fifty-Five Years in Five Acts: My Life in Opera"
        Astrid Varnay
        ...order this book here.
        Varnay's relaxed, conversational memoir covers the American soprano's life from her childhood as the daughter of two opera singers through her own career, which ran from the 1940s to the 1990s and which was closely associated with Wagnerian roles (as well as Beethoven and Strauss). Varnay's unpretentious narrative includes plenty of anecdotes about her colleagues. She vividly conveys what daily life in an opera house is like and offers frank opinions about the practice of contemporary opera production.

  35. Vasary, Tamas (TAH mahs VAH sahr ee)(11 AUG 1973 - )Hung-Swiss=P-Con
  36. Vasquez, Hector (Los Angeles, - )Am=Bar, MET 1995
  37. Vayne, Kyra (Knopmuss) (Petrograd, 1916 - England, 12 JAN 2001)Rus=Sop
  38. Vegh, Sandor (SHAN'dor VAYg) (17 MAY 1912 - 4 JAN 1997)Hung=V-Con
  39. Velasquez, Miguel A. ( - )SP=Bar
  40. Venezia e Napoli (vee NETS ee ah aye NAH poh lee)
  41. Vengerov, Maxim (20 AUG - )Rus=V
  42. Yeo, Douglas ( - )Trombone/Boston SO
  43. Verbruggen, Marion ( - )
  45. Verebics, Ibolya (EE boy ah VEH reh bits) ( - )Hung=Sop
  46. Vermillion, Iris ( - )Sop
  47. Vernon, Richard (Memphis, - )Am=Bass, MET 1981
  48. Verrett, Shirley (31 MAY - )Am=MezSoprano
  50. Versalle, Richard ( - 1996, on stage at MET)=Ten
  51. Veto, Tamas (VEH toh) ( - )con
  52. Veyron-Lacroix, Robert (roh BAIR vay rohn la krwah) ( - )Fr
  53. Viagy, Dennis (vyahj) ( - )
  54. Viardo, Vladimir ( - ) = P
  55. Vickers, Jon (29 OCT - )Can=Ten
  56. Vignoles, Roger (12 JUL - )Eng=P
  57. VILNIUS PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY (VIL' nee us) Lithuania. Orchestra
  58. Villarroel, Veronica (Santiago, - )Chile=Sop, MET 1991
  59. Vines, Riccardo (ree KAR doh VEEN yes) ( - )Sp=P
  60. Viotti, Marcello (Vallorbe, SW - )Conductor. MET debut 1999-2000
  61. Virumbrales, Luis Lozano (loo EES loh SAH noh vee room BRAH lays) ( - )Sp=cond
  62. Vishnevskaya, Galina (gah LEE nah vish NYEF ski ah) (25 OCT - )Rus=Sop (m. M.Rostropovich, 1955)
  63. Vladar, Stefan (SHTEF an VLAH dar) ( - )Czech=
  64. Vlasova, Natalia ( - )Rus-sop
  65. Voigt, Deborah (Chicago, - )Am=Sop, MET 1991
  66. Vogt, Lars (5 SEP - )Ger=P
  67. Volk, Carl ( - )=G
  68. Volkov, Oleg ( - )=P
  69. Volavy, Marguerite (1886 - 1951)Pol-Am=P
  70. Vollenweider. Andreas ( - )
  71. Volodos, Arcadi ( - ) =P
  72. Von Karajan, Herbert (fon KAR' ah yon)( - )Ger=con
  73. Vonk, Hans (Fahnk) (Amsterdam, 18 JUN - )Dutch=Con Saint Louis S O
  74. Von Matacic, Lovro (LOH vroh von MAH tah chick)
  75. Von Otter, Anne Sophie (Stockholm, 9 MAY - )Swed=Mez-Sop, MET 1988
  76. Von Stade, Frederika (freh deh REE kah vahn STAH duh) aka 'Flika' (1 JUN - )Ger-Am=MezSop
  77. Votapek, Ralph (VOH' tah pek) ( - ) =P
  78. Vote, Franz (Los Angeles, -)Am=Con, MET 1988

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