Welcome to
A few people are responsible for this website ... here is their stuff:
Environment Soundtrack: Mahajana
Enviroment Book excerpts: Forgotten
Stupid White Men
28Feb2002 ... Chomsky interview on Hardtalk
Download 2.4meg DSS-Audio File
... unzip .. Download DSS-Player from here.
(convert it to WAV and re-encode to mp3) The file is in 16kbit/second
Olympus DS-150 digital
notetaker audio-format.
BBC's Real-audio (yuk!) stream is here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/cta/progs/02/hardtalk/chomsky27feb.ram
--- BBC article http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1844000/1844041.stm
a free and public compilation of some cool encryption programmes is
a free and public html-editor is here and
the description on how to use it is at the bottom of this page
Please use ENCRYPTED email.
================================ YES, PLEASE USE ENCRYPTED EMAIL. ================================
Of course most encryption-solutions for email have problems. After trying
most of them, I found that I am very happy with
and I am trying to get the Author to make it entirely perfect. The greatest
advantage is that is decrypts on the fly, and that your email-programme
can stay as dumb as it ever was. You can still search through all your
emails for 'that elusive sentence' and you never loose the emails when
loosing your key... because in your email-programme the messages are stored
plain-text (not-encrypted). Amongst other great FEATUREs GPGrelay automatically
retrieves the other persons public key, so you can answer encrypted rightaway.
(Press right-click RELOAD KEYS in the key-window) On my machine it also
fixed the Netscape-email-Win95-Winsock-BSOD problem. The following is walk-through
for a great system.
I recommend you install it NOW, and make your experiences with it...
so that you are a HAPPY ENCRYPTION USER a.s.a.p.
NON destructive, NO installation, EASY to Undo
Installation of the programmes
extract the zip-file
containing GPG.EXE GPGrelay.exe OPTIONS DblCliMe.REG and IDEA.DLL to
(exactly as shown... or it cocks it up!) Explore it, and double-click the
press OK.
(This will make the encryption-programmes operate correctly)
Your Keys
now choose: A) you already have PGP and keyrings: find and COPY
files secring.skr and pubring.pkr into the folder: c:\mysecret and rename
them to secring.gpg and pubring.gpg finished. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER
B) you are a new-user of encryption START -- PROGRAMS -- MSDOS-Prompt:
ENTER cd \mysecret ENTER Now the DOS-Prompt looks like this: C:\MYSECRET\>
type gpg --gen-key ENTER and follow instructions: Instructions:
ENTER .. ENTER .. ENTER .. y .. ENTER YourFirstName YourLastName ENTER
YourEmail@ddress.com ENTER ENTER o ENTER --- now WAIT
and move the mouse ---- If you fail ... delete secring.gpg and pubring.gpg
and start over from B) HEY, THAT WASN'T SO DIFFICULT, EH? cool...
Giving others your public-key.
For others to be able to send you encrypted messages, you must make your
public key available. When you are online, gpg --send-keys ENTER
will do the trick. If you see gpg: success sending ... all is well.
You key is now on the server... Now tell everyone: search for
my key at pgpkeys.mit.edu As a matter of courtesy, your can email people
your public key and/or put it on your web-page. To do that, we generate
a standard socalled ASCII-armored version for exporting, that you
can open in Notepad and copy and paste it into emails to people
that need it with: gpg --export -a > My-Public-Key.txt ENTER (also,
cut and paste it into the most common key-server.yippiee
... lets continue the installation ..... start you favourite email-programme
write down the old SMTP and POP servers and change them both to
allow LOCAL LOOP!) Example for Netscape 4.x: Edit -- Preferences --
MailServers -- (Incoming)-EDIT in the Server-Name enter the following: OK in the Outgoing mail (SMTP) server enter: OK OK
Make a ShortCut to GPGrelay.exe in the Windows StartUp Folder (right-click
GPGrelay.exe -- Create Shortcut -- drag and drop it into C:\WINDOWS\Start
Menu\Programs\StartUp ) Run it. Double click the icon in the Windows Tray
and edit a few options: SERVERS check the checkboxes Threads x SMTP and
x POP Add -- Name: MySMTP LocalPort: 25 RemoteServer: smtp.OLDSERVER.COM
Remote Port: 25 Type: SMTP (is already checked)
Add -- Name: MyPOP
LocalPort: 110 RemoteServer: pop3.OLDSERVER.com Remote Port: 110 Type:
POP press Restart Threads Global Control: x Always Trust next
tab: KEY RULES: click on Default Profile (Now we will be adding Recipient-profiles!
ADD NEW PROFILE... Name: Always Encrypt Inline (x) Encrypt [x]
Inline PGP Block
ADD NEW PROFILE... Name: Always Encrypt use PGP-attachment (x)
Encrypt [ ] Inline PGP Block (leave unchecked!)
ADD NEW PROFILE... Name: Prefix Control, PGP INLINE (x) PreFix-Control
[x] Inline PGP Block check uncheck [x] Sign if Subject begins with
__Sign:__ [ ] Remove PreFix check uncheck [x] Encrypt if Subject
begins w __Encr:__ [ ] Remove PreFix check type ES: uncheck
Encrypt > Sign if Subject begins with __ES:__ [ ] Remove PreFix
ADD NEW PROFILE... Name: Prefix Control, PGP MIIME Attachmentsame
shitty procedure as above, except this time leave [ ] Inline PGP Block
PHEW... aaaargh ... what stupid work. ... but has to be done (thanks
Andreas!) Now as you put other people's public keys into this window,
you need to drag and drop all the keys into the new fitting profile...
Next tab: ALIASES right-click on the key and add alternative
email-addresses that the user (you) have been using in the past or will
in future. (If the Recipient-email of your email-partner does NOT appear
somewhere here, they will not receive encrypted emails... they'll go unencrypted)
Now the last tab: GLOBAL: check [x] always trust keys. almost F
I N I S H E D Now lets save our work, before GPGrelay crashes and we have
to do it all again hold the ALT-ke on your keyboard.... KEEP HOLDING IT!!
now press the SPACEBAR .. release SPACE BAR .. release ALTkey and click
on Save Settings Now
Now compose a test-message... use the following subject: Sign: T
e s t Now you should be asked for your passphrase... (this is a good sign
:-) Now get eeryone to send you their PGP (GPG) public keys... and then
you can import them and then you can send them encrypted email messages,
with teh Subject: Encr: This is a message in chiffre, hehe.
GPG is great... free enryption ... public scrutiny ...
I wish someone would make an email-service that we can use with
SSL-POP and the GPG resides on the mail-server, so that we can check our
email with webmail. Password-entering is done with an ever-changing picture-keyboard
(image-map) so that the keystroke recorder-programme at the lousy internet-cafe
doesn't intercept it.
If you live in the United States of Angst, you are probably
monitored. You can encrypt your VOICE communication with Speak
Freely, or Nautilus. If
you are a computer-beginner, you should pay a kid from the neighborhood
to install all the software you want on HIS computer, and demonstrate it
to you, upon which you may him half the money, and then install it on your
computer and give him the other half. Do not forget to check for Trojan
horses residing in your computer. (Also try here.
A really good check YOU (yes you!) can perform is here...
look for ShieldsUp lots more links are here.
How to make a document without WinWord
Pleeeeeaaaassee avoid Microsoft where you can. Keep this on file (Copy
+ Paste it in an email to someone!) ==================================================================================
Please pass this on.... to anyone you know personally and who wishes to
publish anything on the web. ------------- once ------------------------
1) Download the programme, click here 2) Double-click
and unpack to default directory (C:\internet) 3) copy the two shortcuts
to your desktop 4) put your HTML-files in c:\internet ----------------------------------------------
---------------- every update time -------------------------- open/run
AOLPRESS FILE >> OPEN >> load file: c:\internet blahblah.html ... edit
to your hearts-content... and SAVE. HINTs: use Table >> Alter ... to edit
Tables. CTRL-ENTER does a hard line-break When happy, upload to web with
the little ftp-programme that comes with windoze: Get a DOS prompt START
-- RUN -- command ENTER You will see C:\WINDOWS> or something. change
into your directory where you keep your web-pages: cd\internet then start
ftp: ftp it will respond with ftp> and then execute these commands: open
ftp.tripod.com YOURUSERNAME YOURPASSWORD bin prompt mput * quit If you
just want to update a single file, instead of prompt and mput* use: put
index.html FINISHED ---------------------------------------------------------------
That's all ...