"The Single mom of the 90's Source Page"
Thank you so much for visiting my page. I put a lot of love, time and dedication into the construction of it. I hope that you find some of the information contained herein useful.
The subjects I choose to include are all very personal for me, especially the links concerning abuse and childrens rights. Four years ago, I left an abusive relationship to face a life on my own for the first time. I had 4 children to support, nurture and love, and I hadn't a clue where to go, or who to turn to. I with the help of many women like myself, have finally gotten it together more or less. I am no longer freaking out, have gotten a firm grip, and hope that someone in my position stumbles onto this page and finds some measure of comfort herein.
This page is dedicated to my 4 beautiful, talented and unique children, James, Kaitlyn, Jacob, and Evan. Additionally to the ladies at The Womans Center of Beaver County, Beaver Co. PA, Havin House of Kittanning, PA and all of the people, who are too numerous to list here, who have given me a hand up, and helped me to rebuild my life in a safer, saner environment.
November 6, 1998
I am finally getting around to updating my page. It was a long, difficult summer for me and my children. I ended a three year relationship, Dealt with a life-threatening illness, Evan contracted Bacterial Meningitis in July, and we
have just relocated to greener pastures some 200 miles away. So if the page seems stale, please bear with me, I have a major amount of work to do on it in the coming weeks. It is still one of the things I am proudest of, and hope to bring it back up to what I had originally intended for it to be, informative, entertaining, and comforting to anyone who has been in my situation.
I have some new knowledge to impart. " Those who do not learn from their past are doomed to repeat it" I am not entirely sure where that quote comes from, but.....It is the truth. I am learning, finally, and everyday I am hoping that it gets a little bit easier. Thank you for all the lovely e-mails and notes concerning this page, all have been recieved, and are much appreciated!
Love to all,
Be safe,
M. L. Whited
"A Smorgasboard of Information" - Web Rings & Links
The Beatrice Guide: An ecclectic but fun womans space
Careers 4 the 90's: A tool for those of us shifting gears.
The Executive Education Network:
The Coalition against Rape site: If you need this info. it's here.....
The Nicole Brown Simpson Foundation: An unfortunate legacy, designed to aid those of us who endure.
Survivors of Stalking: You are not alone......
Victims services: Where to go, what to do.....
Child Quest: Missing Children info.....
Missing Childrens directory:
Family Violence Prevention:
Internet non-profit resource center.: Help, is just a mouse click away....
The United Way: Many useful links to outreach programs.
People Making a Difference: People helping People.
23 Proven Resumes: Helpful, if you haven't a clue...
"The Pregnancy Ring": A vast array of information, for any woman in a "Family-Way".
"The Parent Ring".: Not necessarily just for parents, but anyone involved with the love and care of children.
"The Moms w/ Modems Ring": .."The ORIGINAL Moms Ring".
"Natural Parenting": Even if you don't agree w/ all the philosophies, there is much info to be had.
"The Family Connections Ring".: ..."It's good to share......."
"The Parent Soup Web-Ring".: Much valuable information.
"The Adoption Ring".: For ALL those involved w/ adoption, Birth parents, Adoptive parents, & Adoptees.
"The Special Needs Childrens Ring".:
Health A-Z: You've got questions?????
"First Aid Direct": Again, more questions answered.
The Kids Doctor: Health questions about your children???
Allergies: Information about allergies.
The Blind Center for Children.:
Learning disabilities association.:
Parents helping parents.:
Aids Education:
The national AIDS outreach center.:
HIV Help:
The Pediatric AIDS Foundation:
The Amreican SIDS Institute:
The SIDS Network:
The American Cancer Society:
Breast Cancer Answers:
The American Breast Cancer Network:
The Childhood Cancer Foundation:
Childrens Leukemia:
The American Heart Association:
The Childrens Heart Link:
The Alzheimers Association: Very useful and comforting info, for caretakers, and loved ones .
The Diabetes Foundation:
The Epilepsy Foundation: Very near and dear to my personal heart, this one's for Jacob.
Cholesteral Guide:
The Gerber site: (Babies-Nutrition)
Heinz Baby and Toddler Nutrition:
The Glo9bal Info. Network: Find anyone, lost love, deadbeat dad, etc....
Divorce services helpline: You've got questions????
On-line divorce info. net: Extremely useful....
Employment Law Facts...: It's a fact women are the object of much on the job discrimination...Get Help NOW.
The Family Law Advisor: Advised on the grayer areas, custody, visitation child support enforcement, etc....
The American Civil Liberties Union.: We were ALL created equal, protect your rights.
THRIFTY NET: Stretch your dollars, creatively....
Barter Systems: Cash isn't always king...Share your skills.
FIX IT: You don't need a man to do stuff around the house..Do it yourself girl!!!!
E-Mail coupons: Save money while surfing......
Auto Repair Network...: -Just because you're female, don't let them take you for a ride.....
Dollar Stretcher (THRIFT): Make your $ count.....
The Catalog Link: Save $&time, shop by mail.....very 90's.
Ben and Jerry's: After a hard week, indulge, you deserve it!
Godiva Chocolates: The best cure for PMS, I have found....Bon Appetite'.
The Jelly Belly Site: Another one of lifes finer little indulgances.
DIET TALK: Ok, it's very good to love yourself, but not to death, after PMS, life goes on.....
The Monopoly Page: Click on, pass go, have fun.
Kids World:
Manners Please!:
Calvin & Hobbes:
Ask Shagg:
Mother Goose and Grimm:
Computer wall paper for kidz: All sorts of nifty kid friendly p.c. wallpapers
The Academy of Natural Sciences:
Dinofest '98:
Dinosauria On-line:
Little Explorers: Lots of fun for little ones.....
The Disney Site: M-I-C-K-E-Y-M-O-U-S-E.....
The Idea Place:
Sony Playstation Site:
The comprehensive Nintendo site:
Game Kids:
Enviro-Link for Kids: Celibrate Earth Day everyday.
Tigers Site:
Whale Web:
Endangered Species Site:
Whiz Kids:
Beakmann & Jaxx:
The Crayola Site:
Free Zone:
Kids Com:
Kid Land:
Knowledge Adventure:
The "Official" Lego Site:
Little Planet Times:
Pencil Pages:
Surf Shack:
The Windy Creek Homeschool: Education the old fashioned way!
World Safari:
You Rule School:
Kids Vote: Learn the deomocratic process........
Big Comfy Couch: Extremely popular with the toddler set!
The Reading Rainbow: Great P.B.S. site, encourages literacy @ an early age.
Weather and Astronomy:
An Awesome Site 4 All Ages (Humor):
April Fools: Why only be a fool in April?????
Comedy on the Web:
Jokes On-Line: Some days you just need a good laugh!
The UDDERnet (Humor):
Neurotic.Com: Can we say PROZAC ladies????
The Times of our Lives:
iVillage: The Womens Network
"In_Line Skating site": Important safety tips......
Parents Internet users group.: Monitor what your children can be exposed to, via www.
"Kooponz.com": E-Mail generated coupons.
"Mapquest": Maps galore, world trip planner, and more.
"The complete Beakman Site".: Yet another great Beakman site!
Homework Help Site.: An excellent homework help site!
"Love-Advice.com": Answers to common relationship questions.
Baby-care online.: The next best thing to an owners manual...
National switchboard.: Data-base, Nationwide yellow and white page directory.
The 80's server.....: A blast from your thirty-something past.....
"Planet Troll": Educational.
"The First Nations" site.: Contains histories of over 200 Native American tribes.
National Arbor Day Foundation.: Save our National parks and woodlands.
"Cyber-town": An interesting experiment, many diverse topics, all volonteer run.
Kool-Aid site.: Very Cool!
"Puberty 101": Excellent informational site designed for 8-18 year olds.
National Geographic on-line.: A wonderful site for the entire family.
"Gakkos Days".: Sponsored by NEC, for kids 10-14. Discussion on selected topics and viewpoints.
Questacom: Website of Australias National science museum in Canberra.
"The web Nebulae": Pictures of the heavens. Wonderful images of 26 different nebulae.
Theodore Tugboat on-line activity centre.:
"No-Room Schoolhouse", Tales from the electroinic frontier.: Interesting reading for educators, as well as home schoolers.
The page at Pooh Corner.:
Aids memorial quilt; "The Names Project".:
"Spank", youth culture online.: Magazine written for teens by teens.
"History Happens".: A novel way to learn American History.
Social Security Death Index: Not as morbid as meets the eye, a comprehensive source for death dates and other pertinant information.
Snap.com: Another new, but really great search engine.
"Google": a no frills to the point search engine.
Go: A Disney sponsored search engine.
Gamespot: Hints, Cheats, and upcoming info galore.
Neat Net Tricks: A wealth of shortcuts and hints to make surfing the web more simplified and friendly.
Ask the surf Guru: You have questions about the WWW, he's got answers
The Nature Rangers: A great site for kids who seek info about the great outdoors.
The National Geographic Traveler: Any place National Geographic goes, so go you too!
MSNBC: One of my favorite sites for info, and entertainment.
The Incredibly useful site of the day: Check it out, it lives up to its title.
Sci4kids: Another useful science site geared toward children.
This page has been visited times.
M.L. Whited
Main E-Mail Address: 409@lycosmail.com
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Kittanning, Pennsylvania 16201
United States