Thirty Days in Male-ieu

by Poet X, Part VI (XXV)

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He carried his bicycle all the way to the Back Room. Every Male-ieu series has to include a story of disappointment and this is that story. I'd seen him first at the water fountain, young, short hairs peeking from his tank top. Another guy had earlier joined me on the Balcony but left. It was afternoon. When I saw the young one walking his bike on the lower path toward the Back Room I headed there on the upper path, he joined me rather quickly and was soft but not for long. When the other guy joined us it must have scared him and hee left. The other guy asked me something I didn't understand but it sounded like, "Have you ever been fucked in the ear?" He was small but not quite that small.

Thirty Days in Male-ieu, list of verses

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Poet X Table of Contents

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