Quote Sources

Sources for quotes in "Taken to the Twin Peaks of Harar" and, for some, translator or other background information.

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Harar: Taken to Twin Peaks

by Luke Edwards (Edward Lacie)

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_1. (Paul Auster) 1985, from The New York Trilogy.

_2. (James Purdy) Edward Hennings' Oration from the same novel, "I am speaking to you, young men from another century, and a long exile from my native land...." 

_3. (Samuel Beckett) 1976, translated from the original French by Samuel Beckett.

_4. (W.H. Auden) "When some obvious booby tells me he has liked a poem of mine, I feel as if I had picked his pocket." (Same source.)

_6. (Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. [he dropped "Jr." from his books soon after this volume]) Quote is from the introduction. From the subsequent "Editor's Note": "I will risk the opinion that lies told for the sake of artistic effect - in the theater, for instance... can be, in a higher sense, the most beguiling forms of truth."

_7. (Harold Norse) "I believe he also said that all writing is clever theft. This was not mere cynicism, but a comment on the inadequacy of words," the quote continues. (Harold Norse, Beat Hotel, 1983.)

_8. (Joanne Greenberg) Greenberg, under the pen name Hannah Green, wrote I Never Promised You a Rose Garden.

_9. (Michael Lassell) From Decade Dance, 1990.

10. (Enid Starkie) Pp. 173-174.

11. (J.M. Nash) Modern Movements in Art Series, Barron's, 1978.

12. (David Feinberg) Inscription on autographed copy, "To [o]ne of thousands of editors I have plundered/been plundered by in my endless efforts to get into print. XOXOX, DBF/David B. Feinberg, 4-28-91".

13. (Mack Reynolds) Book chosen at random; quote not at random.

14. (John Wieners) From Behind the Capitol or Cincinnati Pike, 1975.

15. (Gary Alinder) According to Greg Baysans, Gary Alinder attended a few early meetings of the Minneapolis Gay Men's Writers Group from which The James White Review would evolve. "My Gay Soul" appears in Out of the Closets, an anthology of early "Gay Liberation" writings, edited by Karla Jay and Allan Young (released in 1972).

16. (Baba Ram Dass) "At this moment your body is disintegrating before your very eyes if you've taken LSD you may be seeing it do this but you know it's happening anyway it's all a downhill trip all the way" (p. 38, Ibid).

17. (Francois Coppée [Arthur Rimbaud]) From parodies written and published during Rimbaud's final residence in Paris.

18. (Umberto Eco) Translated by William Weaver ("Bin ich ein Gott?"/"Am I a God?" - translated by Edward Lacie).

19. (Woody Allen) From Without Feathers.

20. (Jean Genet) Translated by Bernard Frechtman.

21. (Jorge Luis Borges) Translated by Anthony Kerrigan, from Ficciones (1962). "The unquiet reader rereads the pertinent chapters and discovers another solution, the true one. The reader of this singular book is thus forcibly more discerning than the detective." (more from "An Examination of the Work of Herbert Quain")

23. (Jean-Paul Sartre) Le Livre de Poche, Brodard et Taupin - Imprimtur Relieur, 1958. (Translated as "Dirty Hands," by Lionel Abel, in No Exit and Three Other Plays, copyright 1948, by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., Vintage Books Edition, 1955, p. 134, as "That was my main advantage over the dead; I could still imagine that you were thinking of me.")

24. (Tennessee Williams) From One Arm & Other Stories, 1948.

25. (Barry Miles) "Burroughs came to believe that the only way to find out what people were really saying was to cut up their words and get at the meanings hidden inside. He extended his method." p. 285.

26. (James L. White) First appeared in The James White Review, edited by Greg Baysans. Reprinted in The Gay Nineties, an Anthology of Contemporary Gay Fiction, edited by Phil Willkie and Greg Baysans, 1991, The Crossing Press.

27. (Richard Brautigan) "How the Cobra Lily traps insects is a ballet for Trout Fishing in America, a ballet to be performed at the University of Los Angeles." Trout Fishing in America

28. (Tennessee Williams) The statement is made immediately after Williams has cited Rimbaud and Hart Crane, "Both of these poets touched fire which burned them alive."

29. (Jerome Rothenberg) From Poems for the Game of Silence.

30. (Arthur Rimbaud) From A Season on Broil, translated by Fred Sauser.

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