Tiny Heartbeats

Tiny Heartbeats


Wondering why I have a page on abortion? Well, because I'm strongly against it.

This is someplace where you can gather information and learn from the links below, for some, a safe place to mourn their babies deaths by poems and letters they have written, and a place for them to tell their stories.

I'm putting a warning here....some of the things on this site and on some of the links can be triggering, upsetting, and graphic. Please, be safe and don't push yourself into something you are not ready for. And I am not a theripst.

I've also added a babybook. A memorial to the babies from their parents. Dates of births and deaths; if that is possible, for some those dates have been blocked from their memories; names of the babies and any notes you the the parents would like to leave. If you would like to add your babies' name, dates of birth and death, and a small note please e-mail me and I will add it. Anonymously if you wish. Just write what you would like added.
The Babybook

Message Board
Pro-Life Views
Tiny Heartbeats Message Board

Here is a hodge-podge of personal and informative pages.
Abortion Info
Life Is Percious
After Abortion Information
Post Abortion Help and Hope
Pro-Life Information and Links
Abortion Really Does Stop a Beating Heart
Women Who Abort:Their Reflections on the Unborn
Rape,Incest, and Abortion:Searching Beyond the Myths

Here are some articles I have found...
I hope they help someone decide not to do an abortion.
Silent Scream
(this is graphic and can be triggering)
License to Kill
Abortion Complications

If anyone would like to post their stories, poems, or letters to their babies...I will do that. Just e-mail them to me the way you want them written;
posted anonymously if you like.

My e-mail is mysticflower@hotmail.com.


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