This is a picture of a painting of what the Old Adams Home in Torrent, Ky.may have looked like.
Betty Adams Smith graciously allowed us to take this picture of it.
The dark corners are from the shutter on the camera not opening correctly.
We didn't realize this until it was developed.
The following pictures are what it looks like today. It is sad to see the shape it's in.
We were able to go inside and the floors are still solid, as is the stairway.
This is a view of the front where the porch used to be *************************************** This is a view from the back of the house. If you look at the edge of the doorway, you can see the logs that are visible where the siding has fallen off.
*************************************** This picture shows the east end of the house with the big chimney. ************************************** This is a view of the west end of the house with another big chimney
These are views of the inside of the old Adams house. How sad it is. Fireplace in what was probably the living room One of the upstairs bedrooms All that is left of the kitchen
This picture was probably taken about 1905. They were in front of the old Adams house From left to right:
Back Row Standing: Fred Adams, William M., Safronia Cope, Andrew Jackson Adams, Robert R. Adams, David Jesse, Nan King Seated Center: Jesse Adams and Nancy E. Dotson Adams Front row: Molly Legg, Sarah Townsend, Martha Brown, Malvary Napier, Stella Adams *********************************************** GO TO ADAMS CEMETERY PAGE