"Untitled and Unsung"

I wasn't there. / But I heard that there were flowers in his hair / 
Though not yet born to her, / I hear there was something magic about
the way she held her own / I know it's hard for the young ones /
I know it / Acutely, I heard it / Race me through this heart-broken
town / Bang your boots and keep your head down / Race me through the
heart of this broken town / I use the voices of sandmen / 
to bring you home / I know it's wrong, you're a young one 
I know it/ Acutely, I hear it / ...........................

Now I make you pray / Now I make you pray like there's a God---
I know it's hard for the young ones / I know it........

And you are from the earth, and I am from the grave------and little 
things like that matter so much, when there's a blanket of gauze
and it covers the scars......You will die, because what I have is
always tangible, early morning-glories---rising up before Dawn, before
I have a chance to say---- where I put my heart for you.......

And little things like that matter so much, especially when
there's a blanket of sighs and it covers the stars......