All Good Things... --
Characters of Dawson's Creek
Click on the
character's name for information about the character, their
connections to other characters, and the actor or actress that
portrays him or her.
NOTE: this page is current
as of December 21, 2008, after the series finale.
Further updates will be made only to Actor bios.
Note: when a
character knows someone "through" another character,
unless otherwise specified that is the only way they are
connected, they don't really know each other; but may have met or
something before.
CREEK TIMES are the same thing. They are Dawson's movie in the
second season. Creek Times was the working title during
production, the final version however was re-titled Creek Days.

Leery"/James Van Der Beek
- DAWSON is the main character, an
aspiring filmmaker who is extremely intelligent for his
age and idolises Steven SpieCURlberg. His birthday is March
14th, 1983
- JOEY -- they have been best friends since they were
little and they have dated, broken up, dated again, broken up, etc. They
remain close friends and "Soul Mates"
- JEN -- he was captivated by his
first sight of her when she arrived in Capeside; they
were neighbours and had an on and off relationship. They
worked on Creek Days together: she was his producer. They
also remain close friends.
- PACEY -- good friends for a long
time, Dawson was the only one to know of Pacey and Miss
Jacobs' relationship. Though they fight often over Joey,
they are still close friends and probably always
will be
- BODIE -- through Joey, but Dawson did
videotape the birth of Bodie's child
- MRS. RYAN -- They have a good
relationship, he is one of the many people
that confide in her
- "MOM" -- Mrs. Gail Leery. They had a good
relationship (although his parents active sex life embarrassed him a little)
until he found out she was having an affair with co-anchor Bob. They have
since made amends and he helps her raise his new sister Lillian
- "DAD" -- Mr. Mitchell
Leery. They got along well, but had difficulty talking
about anything. Dawsons always had ambivalent feelings
towards him, but he took Mitch's death very hard.
- BESSIE -- helped her give birth to
her and Bodie's child, videotaped it
- DEPUTY DOUG -- through Pacey
- ABBY -- She was trying to get Jen and Dawson back
together, and she was just mean to him, he attended her funeral
- ANDIE -- through Pacey
- JACK -- through Joey; Jack helped
Dawson with Creek Days, earlier they fought over Joey
- AUDREY -- through Joey
- CREEK DAYS ROLE -- Director,
producer, everything else
- ULTIMATE FATE -- Executive Producer of the hit Teen
Drama Series "The Creek."
- JAMES VAN DER BEEK's acting career
includes the films "I Love you...I Love You
Not", "Harvest", "Angus", and
"Varsity Blues". He became an actor when an
injury prohibited him from playing on sports teams. He
has been acting since then, and was lucky enough to land
the role in Dawson's Creek..
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("Joey") Potter"/Katie
- JOEY is the
poor-unfortunate-wrong-side-of-the-tracks-tomboy who
doesn't get any breaks. Her mother died of cancer and her
father is in prison (again), and she lived with her
sister Bessie and their new-born baby, and helped run
the family B&B. She got a break when her marks earned her a scholarship
at Worthington
- DAWSON -- best friends since early
childhood, she tumbled into love with him and was
frustrated that he didn't realise it. But once they
started dating, she found it really awkward and difficult
to get along with Dawson, and found it best to end it
before more people got hurt, but they fell right back
into their relationship soon after, and subsequently
ended it again. This patterns continues, but they remain
close friends and "soul mates"
- JEN -- Although they originally
despised each other, Jen and Joey have become really
close friends.
- PACEY -- they despised each other, only because she
completely disapproved of him and everything he did, while he tried to put
up with her. Since then, their relationship has gone from friendship to
dating and more, and then less, etc. At last check, they were dating again.
- BODIE -- Her sister's boyfriend;
Joey originally disliked him, but has come to appreciate
him more.
- MRS. RYAN -- Mrs. Ryan originally
disapproved of Joey and her wrong-side-of-the-creek
family, but now Joey is one of the many Boston students that
confide in her.
- MRS. LEERY -- Joey found out about
Mrs. Leery's affair well before Dawson did, and Mrs.
Leery vowed her to silence. Otherwise through Dawson.
- MR. LEERY -- through Dawson
- BESSIE -- Sisters. They get along,
and Joey was resentful of her because Bessie had to
lay down the law more often than not. Joey was\often reminded of her dead
mother by Bessie, as their features are similar, and has
since come to feel good around her
- DEPUTY DOUG -- through Pacey
- ABBY -- She tried to break Joey and Dawson up so
that Jen could go out with him again, Joey was one of the victims of Abby's
scheme in "Sex She Wrote"
- ANDIE -- through Pacey
- JACK -- they worked together and
dated. Jack understood Joey's needs and talents, and they
made a very good couple; that is until Jack came out
- AUDREY -- College roommates and best girlfriends.
The two of them helped each other through all the difficult times at
Worthington College
- CREEK DAYS ROLE -- She helped out
however she could
- ULTIMATE FATE -- Editor living in New York City
- KATIE HOLMES' acting career includes
the movies Disturbing Behavior and The Ice Storm, and
many of her high school productions.
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("Jen") Lindley"/Michelle
- JEN was the new girl in town; she moved to Capeside from New York in the
first episode, because her parents caught her in their
bed with a guy. She tried to return to a normal life,
after being "sexualised too young" (lost her
virginity at age 12); but she had trouble because
guys came on to her left and right. Her
grandmother and her feelings for her passed-away
grandfather also held her back. She started a new life in Boston, and
later New York City. See "Ultimate Fate" for more.
- DAWSON -- They dated on and
off; she was happy when she was with him, but had trouble
dealing with the fact the she lost him, and almost had
him back. She produced Creek Days with him and they have
since become very close friends
- JOEY -- Although they
originally despised each other over Dawson, they have
since become really close friends
- PACEY -- Jen and Pacey are
both always up for fun. They have a great time together
and trust each other greatly
- BODIE -- through Joey
- "GRAMS" -- Jen's
grandmother. They get along for the most part, but Grams
often disapproves of Jen's dating habits. Jen has moved
in and out of Grams' house, but lived with her and
Jack in Boston.
- MRS. LEERY -- through
- MR. LEERY -- through Dawson
- BESSIE -- through Joey; but
helped her deliver her baby
- DEPUTY DOUG -- through
Pacey and Jack
- ABBY -- They were best friends,
Abby was trying to bring out the old "New York
Jen", and was trying to get Jen and Dawson back
together, until Jen realised how under-handed she was. SInce then, Jen realised that Abby was the best friend
she ever had, so they went out drinking, and Abby hit her
head, called Jen a bitch for laughing, and fell in the
water and drowned
- ANDIE -- through Pacey, they
console each other for the most part
- JACK -- Originally friends only
through mutual friend Joey, Jen and Jack have become best
friends. They lived together with Grams.
- AUDREY -- They fought briefly over CJ, otherwise
friends through the rest of the characters
- CREEK DAYS ROLE -- Producer
- ULTIMATE FATE -- Irritated a previously existing
heart condition when impregnated by her boyfriend while running an art
gallery in SoHo. Died a year after giving birth.
career includes the movie remake Halloween: H2O. Her
other movie credits include 1994's Lassie, Species, A
Thousand Acres, and A Mother's Justice.
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"Pacey Witter"/Joshua
- PACEY was always the loner
of the group. His reputation had him as a pervert and
loser, that makes up stupid rumours to get attention and
popularity. His father was really strict on him, and he
acts out by doing "stupid things," such as
sleeping with his English teacher, entering himself into
the Miss Capeside pageant, etc. His relationships with Joey, Andie, and
Audrey increased his confidence and he has become a strong character.
He worked his way through a job as a chef and later as
a stock broker.
- DAWSON -- Pacey's best
friend. He keeps Pacey grounded, most of the time, and
helps him through rough times. They fight often over Joey, but always
return to one another
- JOEY -- Originally hating
each other, Joey and Pacey's relationship went from hate-hate to
love-hate to love-love. They have fallen in and out of love and they finally
ended up together
- JEN -- They have fun together and Pacey confides in Jen
- BODIE -- through Joey
- MRS. RYAN -- through Jen
- MRS. LEERY -- through
- MR. LEERY -- through Dawson
- BESSIE -- through Joey
- DEPUTY DOUG -- Pacey's
brother. They get along almost as badly as Pacey and his
father. Doug is always looking for ways to get Pacey into
trouble for something or other, Pacey is always telling
him he's gay (which turns out to be true), Doug often pulls his gun on him.
- ABBY -- through Jen
- ANDIE -- They also originally
hated each other, until they dated for a while, and broke
up and became friends again
- JACK -- Pacey stood up for Jack
against Mr. Peterson. He felt sorry for him, and
sympathizes with him; partially because he's Andie's
brother. Now they remain friends
- AUDREY -- They met through Joey and went out on and
off through the two seasons she was on the show. They remain friends.
- CREEK DAYS ROLE -- Calmed Andie down
- ULTIMATE FATE -- Dating Joey and owning-operating
the newly re-opened IceHouse
- Canadian actor JOSHUA
JACKSON hails from British Columbia. There he did a lot
of BC tourism commercials, which led to a part in
MacGyver. His movies include Crooked Hearts, The Mighty
Ducks 1 through 3, Andre, Digger, Magic in the Water, and
Apt Pupil. Recently added to his credits are movies Urban
Legends and The Skulls. Television credits include being
in Robin; on Loxly & Ronnie and Julie, two Showtime
Contemporary classics, and guest starring roles in Champs
& The Outer Limits.
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Wells"/Obi Ndefo/George
- BODIE is the boyfriend of
Bessie Potter, Joey's sister. She had his child out of
wedlock, and many people held those facts against him. He
disappeared for a time, only to return as the new cook of
the Potter's B'n'B
- DAWSON -- Dawson helped
with and videotaped the birth of his child
- JOEY -- Joey is Bessie's
younger sister, they lived together in the same house
- JEN -- helped deliver his
- PACEY -- through Joey
- MRS. RYAN -- She delivered
his baby when Bessie was unable to get an ambulance or to
a hospital. She completely disapproved of him and his
relationship with Bessie, and has trouble keeping quiet
about it
- MRS. LEERY -- Through Joey/Dawson
- MR. LEERY -- Through Joey/Dawson
- BESSIE -- She is his
girlfriend, and had his child, they get along well as a
couple, and fight only over the baby
- ABBY -- No Connection
- ANDIE -- No connection
- JACK -- No connection
- AUDREY - No Connection
- ULTIMATE FATE -- living with Bessie and operating
Potter's B&B
- OBI NDEFO's career is very
limited, but includes playing a Klingon on Star Trek:
Deep Space Nine.
- GEORGE GAFFNEY played Bodie
in the Pilot episode. He has been in the movies Last
Lives, The Love Letter, and Stonebrook.
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"Evelyn 'Grams'
Ryan"/Mary Beth Peil
- "Grams" is Jen's
Grandmother and guardian. Her husband (known as
"Gramps") was dying during the first season,
and finally passed on in the Season 1 Finale. Mrs. Ryan
is a very religious conservative, and is often
disapproving of everyone. More recently she has become
a little more accepting and lived in Boston with Jen
and Jack. She moved with Jen to NYC when she developed cancer. Since the start of the show her name has
changed from Francis to Evelyn
- DAWSON -- Former neighbours, Dawson
feels safe with Grams.
- JOEY -- She originally was very
disapproving of Joey and her family, but has since come
to know her better
- JEN -- She likes Jen, and doesn't want harm to come
to her, but has trouble letting Jen go. She also disapproves of Jen's lack
of religious belief. She often worries that Jen will become the same person
she was in New York. More recently Grams has seen a side of Jen she really
appreciates; she sees the capable, intelligent Jen. They now live together.
- PACEY -- mostly through Jen
- BODIE -- She helped deliver his
child, although she extremely disapproved of the fact
that they are a bi-racial, unmarried couple having a baby
so young, and feels that they will not care for it
- MRS. LEERY -- Good neighbours
- MR. LEERY -- Good neighbours
- BESSIE -- Grams helped Bessie
deliver her baby (although against her will)
- DEPUTY WITTER -- Through Jack
- ABBY -- She attended Abby's funeral with Jen, when
Jen gave a speech that got herself kicked out of the house
- ANDIE -- No connection
- JACK -- Jack has become a part of
the family, they now live together with Jen.
- AUDREY -- Through Jen
- CREEK DAYS ROLE -- Provided snacks
- ULTIMATE FATE -- recovered from cancer, lives in
NYC with her daughter
- MARY BETH PEIL is a theatrical
actress, and has had a long and extensive acting career.
She has also appeared in the movies Reckless and Jersey
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"Mrs. Gail
Leery"/Mary-Margaret Humes
- MRS. LEERY is Dawson's news
anchor mother, who got caught having an affair with her
co-anchor Bob, causing her divorce from Mr. Leery. They
have since remarried and she grieves his death strongly. She since got
married to a new husband.
- DAWSON -- She is his
mother, when he found out about her affair, he
temporarily disowned her, but they have become much
closer again
- JOEY -- Joey found out
before anybody that Mrs. Leery was having an affair, but
she kept it quiet long enough.
- JEN -- through Dawson; Jen
also stayed at the Leery house for Mrs. Leery's report
- PACEY -- she was one of the
judges of the pageant that he entered, otherwise through
- BODIE -- His child was born
in her house, they stayed there during the storm
- MRS. RYAN -- they have
their disagreements, but they get along pretty well as
neighbours. Mrs. Leery sometimes looks towards her for
- MITCH -- Her husband. They had an
unusually active sex life until he found out about her affair, since then
they have slowly been reconciling; but they finally agreed that he should
move out. Not long after, they reconciled once again, remarried, and had a
child, Lily, together. She misses him greatly.
- BESSIE -- Bessie had her
child in their house, otherwise through Joey
- ABBY -- Abby stayed at the Leery house for Mrs.
Leery's report; but got booted out for her horrific
- ANDIE -- Andie stayed at the Leery house for Mrs.
Leery's report
- JACK -- No connection
- AUDREY -- Audrey drove Pacey's car through Mrs.
Leery's house at Christmas time
- ULTIMATE FATE -- Still living in Capeside,
remarried, and running Leery's Fresh Fish.
includes a guest spot on Matlock, where she played Leann
Wilson, a former news anchor (she now plays a current
news anchor) who killed her ex-co-host, because he was a
jerk.. She has also appeared on Eerie Indiana, Hunter,
Renegade, Manimal, and The Dukes of Hazzard. Her films
include History of the World Part One, and Pointman.
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"Mr. Mitchell Leery"/John Wesley Shipp
- MR. LEERY was Dawson's
father, and he was very romantic with Mrs. Leery, but
became very jealous and upset when he heard of her
affair. They have since divorced and re-married. He died
suddenly on his way home from the convenience store
picking up milk for their new daughter, when he was hit
head-on by a drunk driver.
- DAWSON -- his son. They got
along pretty well, but he had troubling talking to
Dawson. Dawson now misses him greatly.
- JOEY -- through Dawson
- JEN -- through Dawson
- PACEY -- through Dawson;
they went fishing together
- BODIE -- His child was born
in Mr. Leery's house, they stayed there during the storm
- MRS. RYAN -- They had their
disagreements, but got along pretty well as neighbours
- GAIL -- His wife. Things haven't
been the same since her affair, and he has since moved
out and back in again, and they have divorced, remarried,
and had a child
- BESSIE -- Her child was born in his
house, otherwise through Dawson and Joey
- DEPUTY WITTER -- No connection
- ABBY -- No Connection
- ANDIE -- No connection
- JACK -- they went fishing together
- AUDREY -- No connection
- ULTIMATE FATE -- died at the end of season 5
has placed him on TV show's such as Flash (as the Flash),
NYPD Blue, Sisters, and some soap operas. His movie
credits include The Neverending Story 2 and Soft Deceit.
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Potter"/Nina Repeta
- BESSIE is Joey's older
sister and Guardian; their mother died a long time ago of
cancer, and their father is in jail. She had a baby with
her boyfriend Bodie near the end of the first season, and
all four of them lived in a small house-turned-B&B.
- DAWSON -- through Joey; he
helped her deliver her baby, as well as videotaping the
- JOEY -- they're sisters,
and they get along for the most part, though they both
resented their predicament a little
- JEN -- Jen helped her
deliver her baby
- PACEY -- through Joey
- BODIE -- her boyfriend;
they get along quite well, and he helps her with the
- MRS. RYAN -- She
disapproved strongly of Bessie and Body's relationship,
but bites her lip enough to get by
- MRS. LEERY -- through
Dawson and Joey
- MR. LEERY -- through Dawson and Joey
- ABBY -- No Connection
- ANDIE -- No connection
- JACK -- He worked for her at the
Icehouse, they had a good working relationship
- AUDREY -- through Joey
- ULTIMATE FATE -- running Potter's B'n'B
- NINA REPETA has appeared on
Matlock, and has been featured in such movies as
Bloodmoon, Radioland Murders, and My Stepson, My Lover.
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"Deputy Doug
Witter"/Dylan Neal
Pacey calls him, is Pacey and Gretchen's brother. He and
Pacey do not get along very well, but when they need to
they can be quite civil.
- DAWSON -- through Pacey
- JOEY -- through Pacey
- JEN -- through Pacey and Jack
- PACEY -- they are brothers,
and have trouble getting along, they sometimes competed
over women (i.e. Tamara Jacobs)
- BODIE -- No connection
- MRS. RYAN -- No connection
- MRS. LEERY -- No connection
- MR. LEERY -- No connection
- BESSIE -- No connection
- ABBY -- No Connection
- ANDIE -- Pacey almost ran her
over in Doug's car
- JACK -- Boyfriends. Jack is Doug's first and only
boyfriend, he helped him come out.
- AUDREY -- Through Pacey. Doug was the officer
responsible for taking the report when Audrey drove Pacey's car through the
Leery House
- ULTIMATE FATE -- Came out of the closet, now dating
Jack and helping him to raise Jen's child. Promoted to Sheriff
- DYLAN NEAL has appeared on
such TV shows as The Bold and the Beautiful, Kung Fu: The
Legend Continues, Pacific Palisades, and most recently Sabrina The
Teenage Witch
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"Abby Morgan"/Monica Keena
- ABBY was Jen's new best
friend, and was intrigued by her past life. She was
trying to help Jen get Dawson back, and to get the old
New York Jen back. She was very cunning and deceitful,
and was the perfect complement to Chris. She died by
drowning in the Creek, after getting drunk and falling
off a pier
- DAWSON -- she was helping Jen get him
back,. and she stars as the Jen character in Creek Days
- JOEY -- she was trying to
separate her and Dawson
- JEN -- they were best
friends, and were plotting to get Dawson back, but Jen
realised how deceitful Abby was, and ended the
friendship. They became friends again, shortly before her
- PACEY -- They had Saturday
detention together
- BODIE -- No connection
- MRS. RYAN -- through Jen
- MRS. LEERY -- Abby helped
Mrs. Leery with her report on teens today, but because of
her horiffic attitude, Abby got kicked out
- MR. LEERY --
No connection
- BESSIE -- No connection
- ANDIE -- They despised each
other, because Abby was really mean to her. Andie gave
the eulogy at Abby's funeral
- JACK -- She wanted nothing to do
with him until he came out, then she wanted him to change
- AUDREY -- No connection
- CREEK DAYS ROLE -- Played the Jen
- ULTIMATE FATE -- died midway through the show
- MONICA KEENA has a somewhat
extensive filmography. From playing Oksana Baiul in the
TV movie of her life, to co-starring in While You Were
sleeping, Ripe, Snow White, The Devil's Advocate, and
Strike, to guest starring in Law and Order, and Homicide:
Life on the Street, Monica has had a full career.
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("Andie") McPhee"/Meredith Monroe
- ANDIE first appeared on the
scene when Pacey almost ran her over in his brother's cop
car, and quickly established herself as a predominant
character. She lived with her brother Jack and her
mentally unstable mother in their large house on WIndsor,
until she had a few breakdowns, and her father returned
her and her mother to Providence. She since returned, but
was touring Italy and away from the show.
- DAWSON -- Friends
originally through Pacey
- JOEY -- Friends originally
through Pacey
- JEN -- Friends originally
through Pacey, also through Jack
- PACEY -- he almost ran her
over, then pretended he was a cop and frightened her to
death. Since then they became a couple and split up, but
remain friends
- BODIE -- No connection
- MRS. RYAN -- No connection
- MRS. LEERY -- Andie helped
Mrs. Leery with her assignment on teens today
- MR. LEERY -- No connection
- BESSIE -- No connection
almost ran her over in his car, and impersonated him to
make her feel bad
- ABBY -- Andie gave the eulogy at
her funeral
- JACK -- He's her brother
- AUDREY -- No connection
- CREEK DAYS ROLE -- Props &
- ULTIMATE FATE -- (shown ONLY in the extended cut of
the Series Finale) Med student working towards an MD
- MEREDITH MONROE is a native
of Houston Texas, and has a very select acting career.
She guest starred on Hang Time and the Magnificent Seven,
and appeared in the movie Fallen Arches. Though secretive
about her age, we recently discovered that Meredith's
Birthday is December 30th, 1976
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"Jack McPhee"/Kerr Smith
- JACK is Andie's brother,
and works at Bessie's restaurant. He also dated Joey,
until he realised his sexuality and came out. He lived
with his sister Andie and his mentally unstable mother in
their large house on WIndsor, until his father brought
Andie and his mother back to Providence. Jack moved in with Jen and
Grams in Boston and later NYC
- DAWSON -- through Joey;
Jack helped Dawson on his film
- JOEY -- she helped him get
the job at the Icehouse, they were kindred spirits and
dated, until he came out. He still cares for her, and
they are friends.
- JEN -- Best friends
- PACEY -- Pacey stood up for
Jack when Mr. Peterson forced Jack to read his poem in
front of the class
- BODIE -- through Bessie
- MRS. RYAN -- He lived with her and Jen
- MRS. LEERY -- No connection
- MR. LEERY -- they went fishing together
- BESSIE -- He worked for her, they had a pretty good work relationship
- DOUG --
Boyfriends. Jack helped Doug come out of the closet.
- ABBY -- She wanted nothing to do with him until he
came out--then she wanted him to change teams
- ANDIE -- She's his sister
- AUDREY -- Through Joey
- CREEK DAYS ROLE -- designed the
mock-up of "Creekside", helped out in other
ways on the set
- ULTIMATE FATE -- Teaching English at Capeside High,
dating Doug and raising Jen's child.
- KERR SMITH is about 10
years older than his character Jack, and appeared on As
the World Turns in 1996-97, but otherwise has very few
other acting credits
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"Audrey Liddell"/Busy Phillips
- AUDREY was
originally Joey's college roommate at Worthington. Through the two years she
was on the show, she dated Pacey, checked herself into rehab, and eventually
became a backup singer for John Mayer. She and Joey are best girlfriends.
- DAWSON -- through Joey
- JOEY -- Best girlfriends. Audrey was
Joey's roommate in first and second year at Worthington and despite their
initial distaste for one another they became very close.
- JEN -- They
fought briefly over CJ, otherwise friends through the rest of the characters
- PACEY -- They dated for a period of time.
Since the breakup they have remained friends.
- BODIE --
Through Joey
- MRS. RYAN -- No connection
Audrey crashed Pacey's car through Mrs. Leery's house at Christmas
- MR. LEERY -- No Connection
- BESSIE -- Through Joey
- DEPUTY WITTER -- Through Pacey
- ABBY -- No connection
- ANDIE -- No connection
- JACK -- Through Joey
- ULTIMATE FATE -- Touring Europe as John Mayer's
back-up singer
extensive background in theatre school and community theatre. Outside of
Dawson's Creek, she enjoys writing and producing theatre performances.
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Special Thanks to all the
websites out there that I got these pictures from, especially (now gone) (for most of the DC screen shots).
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All Good Things...

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This sub-page last updated
December 21, 2008.