Herbal Vinegars

Use cider or wine vinegar as a mase. Bruise the freashly picked herbs and lossely filla blean jar and cap with an acid-proof lid. Set in a sunny window and shake daily for 2 weeks. Test for flavor; if a stronger taste is required, strain the winegar and repear with fresh herbs. Srote as it is or strain through cheesecloth abd rebottle. Add a freshsprig to the bottle for identification and visual appeal. Use in sald dressings, marinages, gravies and sauces.

Tarragon vinegar
Follow the above insructions and add a sliced clove of garlic to the steeping tarragon and vinegar. Remove the garlic after one day and replace with 2 cloves for the remaining 2 weeks. Strain and bottle.

Floral vinegars
Floral vinegars are made in the same way and are used with fruit salads and in some cosmetic recipes.

Herbs for vinegars
Dasil, bay, chervil, dill leaves, fennel, garlic, lemon balm, margoram, mint, rosemary, savory, tarragon, thyme.

Flowers for vinagars
Carnations, clover, elderflowers, lavender, nastrtiums, primroses, rose petals, rosemary flowers, thyme flowers, sweet violets.

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