Moon Phases

The moon is an infinate source of mystery and power. There is nothing more magickal than sitting in a secluded meadow under a full moon and feeling her power shower down on you. Different phases of the moon have different effects on magick. These can be used to your advantage to add power to your spells. You can get as detailed as you want when working with the moons powers. You can take into account the exact times of the moons phases, the astrolgical sign the moon is in and even which full moon it is. Here I'll just go into the simple basics of the tendencies of the four moon phases. These are NEW, WAXING, FULL and WANING. Heres a link to tell you what phase the moon is currently in or what phase it will be in on a given date in the future.

New Moon is the period of three days before through three days after a new moon. This is the time for magick involving personal growth and all beginnings. Spells worked on these nights will normally take until the full moon to come to fruition. Some believe the first three days of the new moon should not be used to work magick. However, if you feel that you must feel free to do so. No ravenous monster will dive down and carry you off.

Waxing Moon is the time between the new and full moon. This is when the moon is growing larger and is good for magick involving attractions. Spells begun on the new moon can also be reinforced during the waxing moon.

Full Moon is the time from three days prior to three days after the full moon. It is traditional for covens to meet on the full moon. The full moon is the time of the moons greatest power. This is a good time for magick involving endings and banishing negative influences. This is also a very powerful time for divination. Spells worked on these nights often will take until the new moon to manifest.

Waning Moon is the time between the full and new moon. This is when the moon is growing smaller and is a good time for magick involving rejections and banishing negative influences. Spells begun on the full moon can be reinforced during the waning moon.

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