May You Have Peace In Your Heart This Day

"For in Jesus Christ we have a Living Hope"

We are a full gospel ministry dedicated to teaching, counseling, and music ministry according to biblical principles and promises.Are you in need of encouragement or prayer? Please contact us by e-mail. We encourage teens and youth to contact us with their needs as well. Our vision is to support missions world-wide, extend God's love to our community and to enlarge our horse facility as an outreach to area teens and youth. We offer horse related activities, music ministry, and counseling. If you are interested in becoming a part of our vision, please contact us. Send us your testimonies. Tell us what God has done for you through this ministry.

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NOTE: This page is currently being updated as of 1-25-2003.
New youth pictures and testimonies coming soon!

This Month's Prayer Request:

Living Hope asks that you pray for the Wilson Family & their ministry team in Guinea Bissau Africa.
Please remember them today!

We are available to talk and pray with you and you may also phone us (EST).

Don't Forget To Sign Our Guestbook!


Click to E-mail Rev. Jeannie



Click Here To E-mail Annette


Whether we choose to believe it or not, we ALL face an eternal destiny. Heaven & hell truly exist. Are you ready to face Jesus? Our lives on this earth are very short, but eternity is forever & ever. After we pass away, we can no longer make a decision as to whether or not we accept the Lord. We must choose our destiny NOW, BEFORE we leave here! There have been countless stories of those who have died and gone to heaven or hell and then were miraculously revived again.There is no doubt that their experiences were quite real and very startling. Most are not fortunate enough to return from the dead to testify. I believe the Lord in His infinite mercy, is showing us these things that we may be saved!! If all this is true, and we believe it is, (according to the word of God) then please ask Jesus into your heart right now! Today is the day of salvation!! We may not be here tomorrow, This present life is fleeting. There is a hell, and not a soul on this earth would be willing to attend. Make a decision to accept Jesus Christ into your heart and life today! His return to earth will happen when we least expect it. If you put off getting right with God today, it may be too late tomorrow. Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus Christ came to set the captives free!!! We are living in an evil day and the sin of this nation & the world grows more and more apparent. You are here reading this because Jesus is calling you personally. Being a good & moral person is not enough. The new wave of so called "spirituality" and psychics indicates that this generation is searching for the void in his spirit man to be filled. We must be born again through Jesus Christ to enter the kingdom of heaven. "For all have sinned & fall short of the Glory of God." You are here by divine appointment because God loves you!!! No matter WHAT you have done, Jesus is waiting to forgive you. If you miss this opportunity, there may not be another.

Salvation Prayer

Lord Jesus come into my heart. I ask for your forgiveness, and I am truly sorry for all of my sins, past and present, and that they may be covered by the precious blood of Jesus that was spilled out for me. I believe in the Holy Trinity and that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He was crucified, died, was buried, and on the 3rd day He rose again! I renounce Satan, all his cohorts and every evil work from this day forward and forever. Jesus I make you Lord of my life right now and ask that you will lead me, for I am now a child of God, forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen




Questions? Problems? Contact:

Rev. Jeannie Talarico, Webmaster


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