My Tissue Box Cover Collection!

For some reason, I collect weird, unique, wacky tissue box covers.

So instead of having boring facial tissue boxes like this:

my tissue boxes are dressed up in all different kinds of tissue box covers. :) :)

I've been collecting these since around 1997 or so. I bought some of them from mail order catalogs, but I really started buying alot of them when I saw how many different WEIRD kinds of tissue covers there were on ebay . I saw one that I liked, then there was another one that I couldn't pass up, and it sort of mushroomed from there. :)

My favorite kinds are the ones that look like they're one thing
but are actually tissue box covers! :)-

Please browse through my collection

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To see the Wild Animals CLICK here

To see all the Faces CLICK here

To see More Than Faces CLICK here

To see the Household Things CLICK here

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To see all the Characters, like Winnie and Pikachu CLICK here

To see all the ones that are waiting... CLICK here

To see International and Holiday theme CLICK here

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AJ Design International (sells tissue box covers as well as other bed and bathroom items)
A collecting website

Not tissues but a great comic site Tiny Ghosts - click here