Non-League Football Discussion Forum

Conditions of Membership

This is a free-for all discussion forum for all people interested in Non-league football.

All submissions should be primarily related to Non-League football.

This means ANY level of English football outside of the Football League.

Anyone consistantly submitting items not-relating to Non-League football will be asked to refrain. Further submissions will result in immediate termination of membership.

No file attachments may be submitted without prior permission. Permission may be requested by sending mail to

All submissions must be clean. Anyone using consistantly offensive language in their submissions will be asked to refrain. Further submissions will result in immediate termination of membership.

The Forum must not be used for "My team is better than yours..." type messages. Repeated submissions will resuly in termination of membership.

All members are responsible for their own submissions and I will not be responsible for any actions that may arise.

Please abide by the rules and enjoy the forum


Paul Kirkpatrick (13/11/97)