Arsenault Family Crest

ARSENAULT Generation #2
Pierre Arsenault,born 1676 married Anne Boudrot,born 1678 d/o Charled & Renee Bourg.


1. Pierre born 1698 married Margaret Cormier

2. Charles born 1702 married Cecile Breau

3. Anne born 1704 married Pierre Daigle

4. Francois born 1706 married Anne Bourgeois

5. Jean born 1708 married Anne-Marie Hebert

6. Marguerite born 1712 married Louie Desroches

7. Jacques born 1714

8. Joseph born 1717 married Marguerite Boudrot

9. Abraham born 1719 married Marguerite Nuirat

10.Marie-Madeleine born 1720 married Jean Delauny

11.Antoine born 1722 (celibataire)

12. Ambroise born 1724 married Marie Gaudet
Joseph Arsenault son of Pierre & Anne Boudrot
married Marguerite Boudrot daughter of
Francoise & Jeanne Landry
They were married on July 28, 1739 in
Port-Lajoie, Prince Edward Island, Canada


Joseph Arsenault, born 1717 in Beaubassin, Acadie married Marguerite Boudrot born 1720 in Port-Toulous,Cape Bretain Island d/o Francois & Jeanne Landry. They were married July 28, 1739 in Port-Lajoie, Prince Edward Island.

Pierre born 1742 married Marguerite Poirier

Francois born 1744

Cyprien born 1746 married Marie Bourque

Joseph born 1748 married Anastasie Poirier

Anne born 1751

Jean-Noel born 1760 married Madeleine Gaudet

Romain born 1752 married Madeleine Bourque

Louie born 1762 married Margariet Gautreau
Pierre, Francois & Joseph were three

of seven Acadians who in 1772 were

settled in Cocagne, New Brunswick and

received legal title to their land.


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