Stewart Emery

Abraham Maslow

Carl Rogers

John C. Lilly

Eric Berne

James Allen

Alan Watts

Huston Smith

Deepak Chopra

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The pages you are about to visit are filled with information that will help you develop your potential in life.

"Out of the Woods" is a collection of concepts dealing with Self-Actualization, Fulfillment, Purpose in Life and Growing toward a sense of well being.

"Quotes and References" is just that...more information from the pens of the teachers and the publications in which they can be found. This page includes lots of links.

"Global Internet Gathering" shares with you a journey...from early childhood to maturity...with people of different cultural, religious, age, and race backgrounds. Roseann guides you on this journey and invites you to be a member of the gathering of people accepting diversity as a beautiful experience of life.

"Roseann's World of Poetry":Roseann shares some of her many poems with you..on this page. Friendship, Love, Spiritual, Nature, Tributes...are subjects covered on this beautifully designed page.

These pages are designed and written from a positive perspective. They emphasize the fact that we are capable of growing throughout this experience called LIFE! It's focus is on the JOURNEY rather than the destination. WE hope you find it beneficial and enjoyable.

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