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N.O.W. of Hernando County, Florida

NOW logo
FACT: Page space on the Net and Email can be FREE.
You DO have to have something to put in your Webspace.

YOU don't even need a computer, unless you want to use
the Email facilities that will be included anyway.

Your page can contain contact and other infos
for OFF-internet-use-only if nobody in your chapter
has a computer or can handle the Webperson job.

I will provide YOUR CHAPTER with a page
like the Hernando Chapter's page
AND install it AND set up the Email account for it
for a total one-time cost of $50.00,
HALF of which will be donated to my NOW Chapter.

Please Call Ed at (352) 683-3100 for more information
or Email me about NOW PAGES

Email other comments and suggestions to:
General Secretary, HC NOW.

Get on the net, NOW! No Excuses!