The Ancient Order of Gleaners - Curtis Arbor

Gleaners Life Insurance Society


The Gleaner Life Insurance Society was organized Nov. 5, 1891. They met in the school house. They had work bees and cleaned the school in return for using it. The first janitor was Kenneth Bell. He was paid 25 cents a meeting for starting the fire and ringing the bell.
They decided to build a hall on February 21, 1903; a 1/2 acre of land was donated for this purpose by Donald La Fleur. It was at the top of the hill on the farm now owned by Mrs. Byler, on Curtisville road.

Warranty deed dated April 5, 1904. Recorded Oct 1, 1904, in Liber 23, page, consideration of $1.00. 1/2 acre of land in S.W.corner of N.W. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 Sec 17, Commencing at a point at 1/8 post of afore said discription. Vis on the S.W. corner of N.W. 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 of afore said section running east 8 rds. Thence north 10 rds, then back 8 rds, to section line and then south 10 rds. to starting point Vis, then 1/8 post between sections 17 and 18 in said township and county. Donald A. La Fleur and Mrs. La Fleur belonged to the Ancient Order of Gleaners Curtis Arbor.

They purcahsed an organ - no record of price. Frank Gordon was elected Organist.

March 21, 1893 meeting - All members are to bring 2 boiled eggs to next meeting.

May 2nd, 1903 - moved and supported that a reception be given Will Sinclair after the cheverie. (Will married Chritina McColeman).

July 6, 1903 - A committee appointed to look after building of hall. Committee members: Richard Curtis, Albert Spencer and John Goodfellow. Paid Joe Hurr $6.25 for logs for lumber to build hall.

37: box stove sent for also two stove pipe elbows. Cost including freight $8.25.

Campanion Henry Curley was ill. A committe was sent to see if they could help. the treasurer was instructed to give Curleys five dollars or more if necessary. An ice cream social was held for benefit of Curley family. This was Dec 25, 1903.

Social members could join by vote of the Arbor and payment of 10 cents a meeting dues.

Had an ice bee and put ice in Joe Bells ice house for ice cream socials. February 1904.

March 19, 1904 the folks were entertained by a solo by Mrs. Bessie Redmond.

Bought shingles fron Mr. Gates April 10, 1904 for hall to be paid in five payments, $5.00 a payment.

Dr. Couie was the examining physician.

June 23, 1904 - 1/2 doz. spitoons ordered.

May 28, 1904 - Crape donated by Albert Spencer and the charter was draped in mouning for 30 days in memory of Albert's wife Frances.

The hall to be one story, 24 feet by 50 feet. The sills were cut by Manley A. Bell, Henry Curley, and Eben Simons.

Rafters to be 20 feet long. Cut by Julis Simons for $4.00.

Nov. 23, 1903 Box social and dance net proceeds $34.00.

Voted to charge $3.00 for use of the hall.

Had a dance - spent $2.03 for sugar and lemons, $3.00 for fiddler, net profit $10.00.

Moved and supported to rent the hall to the Grangers for $24.00 per year. Grangers could only pay $12.00 per year this was accepted and used for hall repair.

Proceed from dance Dec. 24, 1904 $6.00 paid violinist $2.50

The half acres was fenced with page wire fence bought from agent Hugh Curley.

A tornado came throough here and demolished the hall. It was never rebuilt.

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November 1903

1 Bottle ink, .10
Tablet, .10
1 doz. large envelopes, .06
1 " small ", .05
1 No. 2 lamp globe, .10
1 Can fire powder, .25
1 Gal. oil, .15
Pens for Secretary, .04
15 links of pipe, 1.80
2 elbows, .48
1/2 doz kerosene lanps, 3.30
1 doz chairs, 5.40
1 damper & 1 water pail, .50
1 broom, .25
1/2 doz spittoons, .80
Roll of tar paper, 1.27
10 lbs. peanuts and
10 lbs. candy including freight, 2.50


Henry Curley
Francis A. Phillips
Iva M. La Fleur
Manley A. Bell
Donald La Fleur
William St. Clair
Frances J. E. Spencer
Fredrick N. Bowser
Josephine Bell
William K. Bell
Benj. Simons
Harriet T. Bell
Mary A. Barnes
Godfrey P. McColeman
Rosseta Redmond
John Redmond
Frank Gordon
Olive Simons
Edith La Chapelle
Albert Spencer
Emma Bowser
Wesley Redmond
Eben Simons
Richard E. Curtis
John Goodfellow
Bessie Redmond
Truman Simons
Hugh Curley
Degrethea Curley
Elva Simons
Clara A. Spencer
Mary Simons
Neil McColeman
Cashius Montney


Charles Curley
Blanch M. Warner
Enos Warner
Stanley Montney
Mary Montney
George Brodie

[NOTE: The original charter for the Ancient Order of Gleaners - Curtis Arbor is on display in the Curtisville Civic Center--previously the Curtisville School.]
Copyrighted2014 by Norman M. Vance.