For Mother's Day Messages
Write Your Message Below

I hope that these Mother's Day Messages will be "TO" any  Mother: the mother of your children, your mother or grandmother, or just a special lady friend. Even to someone who is not actually a "mother" in the usual meaning, but who does, or has done, a lot of mothering and caretaking.
This Message is FOR ............................................
(Do not hit return)

This Message from ............................................
(Do not hit return)

Please write your Mother's Day Message:

If you wish TO MAKE CHANGES to an entry, please hit CLEAR first, or the form will not record them. Thank you.

This form sends your Message to be added to the Mother's Day Message Book. I have had to create a Form to use, and do it this wa y, because if I used a GuestWorld or Geocities Guestbook for this purpose, they would list it with their Search engines. Especially GuestWorld. They require that you allow them to bring "traffic" to a site if you use theirs. You, or your loved one, will be able to View your message within 24 hours.

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By Catherine

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