To those who came to arrest him
To Judas who kissed & betrayed him
To Peter who attempted to defend him
To those who in His final hour deserted him
To the young man who half-naked fled
To Malchus whose ear was severed
He freely gave His healing, His forgiveness
They needed to know that Jesus came voluntarily,
That He had the power to stop them if He wished.
Instead of the power of the sword
Jesus used the power of His word
His loving unconditional forgiveness
His healing power, a touch that blessed.
That they might know that He came to forgive and heal
That he did not come to be a revolutionary
Truly I am left speechless.  So often have I gotten even by an unkind word
or a vengeful deed or thought.  So often I have had to defend myself instead
of seeing that the one hurting me was maybe just doing their job or had
problems of their own for which they needed healing.  Jesus understood that
they acted out of their own pain.  He had compassion on them.
Oh, God, give to me the loving word,
the compassionate touch
for the one who hurts me so much
That in not taking revenge
Or trying to defend
I am victor in the end
"For we are more than conquerors through him who loved us and gave himself
for us."
Leila Campen

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