Welcome to my Stronghold!! I am a Warrior Woman. I am a Woman of Strength. I can be either Nurturer or Destroyer. I am a Goddess honoring Pagan. I am my Mother's Daughter. |  | I am BIG, OLDE, MEAN, LOYAL and TRUEBLUE ...MONOGAMY REIGNS!!!

| I love my kids, my mother, my brother, my father and stepmother, and my uncles (amazing men, my uncles are) and my critters. My friends bring me great joy...we argue; we share; we play; we love...I know the most WONDERFUL people and am tickled pink they claim me as friend. I dream; I garden; I work (a lot); I'm poor....but only materially. I love and am loved and love being loved. I have lived a varied life from Army truckdriver to Registered Nurse. I have tackled life...and been tackled. I am a SIDS parent...twice. I dream fairly ordinary dreams, but my house is filled, as is my Stronghold, with fairies, dragons, elves, unicorns, swords, and hope.
| If anything in this little life synopsis interests you, then "Merry Meet and BE WELCOME!!!"
If not, then "Merry Part" and "Bright Blessings" and I wish you harmony and contentment in life.
To visit my Stronghold, "click" on the dreaming, dancing maiden below... another persona of mine. Actually, I love dancing with my shadow and a Fosters with gingerale or Mudslide in hand. (giggle)
"CLICK" below to ENTER
"CLICK" above to ENTER

Legend Designz- http://www.legenddesignz.com/
Jessica Galbreth-http://www.enchanted-art.com/
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