Summer School ‘98


Ambjent Ahjar


  • Some Children are good at art, others at Sports

    Some Children are good at craft, others have good knowledge about many things

    Some Children need to be guided to speak and take the initiative

    ... others need to be supervised when they start being talkative!

  • Our Club is not reserved for the BEST children, if there is anyone who can be considered as better. Your efforts are welcome.

    How are decisions taken?


    You will decide what you like to do during the Summer School.

    A sheet is handed to you every week, where you are welcomed to write down what you would like to do in the next week. All wishes are taken into consideration and one weekly forecast is produced.

    How do we operate?

    Always with a Smile! J

    One of the aims of this Club is to find friends. Learn how to find friends, learn how to be happy based on the professional programme of Babes. Babes Family Characters are our friends, together with Zelu and Zazu.

    Our Commitment

    Our commitment is towards our group. Respect others’ decisions. Attendance is to be regularly observed. Our commitment is also towards the School, and towards our Hometown and its surroundings. We learn about special attractions in our area, and to promote a better environment.

    Working as a Group

    How to Find friends

    Pasta Collage the main Characters of Babes Family

    ‘Kif qed t]ossok?" Game and Colour

    "Liema hi l-Verita’?" (Propoganda against Drugs and alcohol abuse)

    Paper Collage group emblem

    A Calendar of how I feel

    Cospicua and its surroundings

    Model making with matches, special sites in Cospicua

    Quiz about Cospicua

    What do I like and hate in my hometown? (Recording)



    Batique with wax crayons, real wax


    Climbing through a postcard

    Model Making with clothes pegs

    Pattern making



    Indoor Games

    Who is it?


    Chinese Checkers

    Traditional Snakes and Ladders


    Musical Chairs

    Master Mind

    Water Game

    Finding the Dracula


    Guessing the object, action

    Playmobil Sheet Games

    Animal World Find

    Seated Dancing (similar to musical chairs)

    Visits and Outings at least once a week

    P.E. everyday

    Regular Prizes of merit.

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