The Webtv Unity Ring

Welcome to the WebTV Unity Ring! This ring is for all webtv made pages to join! Your page can be about almost anything! (no racism, sexism, or slanders about sexual orientation) We are joining togeather to celebrate UNITY in hopes that some day this world can go without the hate that it has in it now! SO....Please join the ring in support of UNITY! MAIL ME when you have the code up! :)


Heres the code <table border=5 bgcolor=white> <tr><td colspan=2 align=center> <font size=2 color=black> <a href="" target="_top">The WebTV Unity Ring</a> <tr><td rowspan=3 align=center> <table> <a href=""><img src=""></a> </table> <td align=center> <table href="" target="_top"><td><table><td><font color=black size=4> Next </table></table> <tr><td align=center> <table href="" target="_top"><td><table><td><font color=black size=4> Next 5 </table></table> <tr><td align=center> <table href=" target="_top"><td><table><td><font color=black size=4> Random </table></table></table> </body></html>
The WebTV Unity Ring
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