My Journal Entries...



... an explanation of what the words I type "REALLY" mean.

excerpt from my April 22nd entry...

Remember me talking waaaaaay back about Daria being short-listed for a movie awhile ago? (Daria was flown to LA to be screen-tested for a movie and was trying out for the lead, she was one of only three women being considered for the part) Well tonight I came home and girlfriend (Daria) was sleeping on the couch complete with her blankie and pillow. (when I came home she was sleeping on the couch as she often is...) I dash (go quickly) off to my room (the place where I keep my bed) and when I sneak out to the front room (the place where I keep my TV and my couch) to find myself a healthy dose of Nina Simone... (the high priestess of soul and vocalist, pianist extraordinaire... meaning that I came in search of a CD by Ms. Simone) the anchorman (the guy that gives the news) is saying "we'll be back with some blah blah blah about the movie <insert movie title here>." (they were giving an update on TV about the movie and its current production, location and content on the news, as this station was local to the filming of the movie) So I shake (grasp and move vigorously) girlfriend (Daria) awake (opposite of asleep) and she just stares blankly (also known as the look of anyone recently woken up from a dead sleep), and promptly falls asleep (the opposite of awake). Twenty (the number that comes after nineteen but before twenty one) seconds later she bolts awake yelling "what's happening?" (apparently my roommate does have a subconscious mind that was having an internal power struggle pitting her need to sleep against her desire to see an update on the movie that she had almost starred in) I again explain the scenario and she says "cool" (the opposite of "hot") and promptly falls asleep (the opposite of awake). I take Nina (in CD format) and a few beers (fermented hops)   to my room before coming out to watch the thirty second byte of <insert movie title here> ( I went to my room and then returned a few minutes later to ensure I could watch the update regarding the movie on the news), and as I'm heading back to my room (the place where I keep my bed) I hear "what's happening?"being screamed from the couch (meaning that the internal power struggle between good and evil rages on within my roommate's sub conscious mind and she is although incoherent and still asleep, attempting to wake herself up to watch the update on TV). That girl def needs more naps (short sleeps during the day, usually after a cookie and a glass of milk, that ensure you will sleep less fitfully at night all the while maintaining the ability to awake in a state of alertness), I tell ya (slang for you). Any second now she should (typo.. should have said "could") come staggering to my doorway (she has a tendency of loitering in my doorway and talking to me while I attempt to update... so I figured that her internal defenses would kick in and she would eventually shake herself awake and expect me to reiterate what had been played out on the TV), I'm certain of it (I'm pretty sure of it). I'm putting on my headphones and blasting my dearest Nina in self defense (means in essence... that if I can't hear you calling me from the couch, then basically I can only assume you never called me. The adult equivalent of children trying to hide by covering their eyes with their hands, the belief there being "if I can't see you, then you can't see me either").

*** do tell me it makes more sense now***
