Mother's Torch BRD Wing
Just this past month, Mother's Torch BRD (Bundes Republik Deutschland) Wing has organized under their president, Boa. "It seemed like a good idea to me. I feel responsible for the world I live in, and someone has to do it."

According to Boa, part of the problems facing Germany are the attitudes of the people. "Actually all you have to do in Germany is look around you and what you see is nature destroyed and a general 'I can't do anything about it anyway' or 'I don't care about it' attitude," she said. Industrial regions in Germany are riddled with acid rain that kills the forest. "Compared to the US, Germany is a small country with a lot of people living there, which means there are practically no regions that are not destroyed by housing, farming, highways, etc.," she explained. "There is no space for wild animals and plants left." The destruction of nature by tourism is another concern, for example, skiing in the alps.

Boa uses several different methods in her personal life to better her environment. She recycles, even corks which lessens the destruction of cork tree forests. She also uses shampoos and cleaners purchased from special shops that are safer for the environment and are not tested on animals.

Boa appreciates people who do "small things." "A lot of small things have the same effect as some *BIG* project. We need people to join who act responsible and who care, people who don't get discouraged by the vast amount of problems we have to face."

She also hopes to attract some creative people to the German wing. "I need people with ideas how to change things in a positive way."

To contact and join the Mother's Torch BRD Wing, please email Mother's Torch BRD Visit their new website at Mother's Torch BRD Wing

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