Mother's Torch Gathers
at Chronicles

"When we started M.E.L.T. four and a half years ago, we had a dream of something like an environmental organization, but it never happened until Highlander. Then we could start talking about things that were important to us. It is important
that we work together and support each other,
or it's against the idea." - Marcus Testory

Marcus Testory addresses
the membership.

Jemma Stone
"Welcome!" from the UK Wing

Jemma, the UK Co-Coordinator welcomed us all
to England and opened the meeting by introducing
herself, Co-Coordinator Tori Grantham; Susanna, the U.S. Wing President; regional U.S. heads;
Boa, the new head of the Mother's Torch in Germany;
and the members of M.E.L.T. -- Christian Huhndorf,
Arne Klewitz, Frederic Hauschild, and Marcus Testory --
all of whom were present. She read the Mission Statement for Mother's Torch

Jemma mentioned the Marineland situation in Ontario, Canada, and Susanna said that there's a web site where you can read about the situation and choose which sort of action to take.

"We should have a look and have a try." - Marcus, concerning Penn Wood

Jemma then reported on the Penn Wood situation. Penn Wood is one of the largest areas of woods in the Chilterns. Developers have bid for the land, to make a golf course out of it, but the Planning Commission has refused. The Woodland Trust is raising money to buy the Wood to preserve it. Some commercial companies have also chipped in, and there have been fundraising efforts, such as a walk, and grants.

Tori said that The Woodland Trust is asking for pledges right now for the fund, and not the actual cash. All of the pledges, including the Mother's Torch pledge, are not in yet for the Appeal.

Tori Grantham


Christian Huhndorf, Arne Klewitz, Frederic Hauschild
Jemma said that the next project for the UK Wing will have something to do with Comic Relief. "It's probably going to involve me dressing up in some really stupid costume and running around the office."

The German Wing

Boa reported that she is getting The Mother's Torch set up in Germany as a charity organization to save on taxes. She already has four members, including a bookkeeper and a web page designer.

Marcus discussed the possibility of an annual Mother's Torch festival in Germany, where many musicians and entertainers would gather to help raise funds for international causes. Right now, it is a dream that he hopes to see become reality.

"The small things have to go bigger and bigger." - Christian Huhndorf

Marcus pointed out that every one of us will have ideas, and if we let the band know, they will help with the organizational stuff -- "If there's a football match, for example, we'll break our bones. We'll still be trying to bring consciousness; this is our part."
The US Wing

Susanna informed us that we now have a total of 38 members in the U.S. Wing. Susanna pointed out that although we have been told that e-mail is not as effective as letters, never think it doesn't count. As an example, she told of a 2000 year old stone circle that was close to being bulldozed, but was saved partially by an e-mail appeal. She emphasized that every little bit a person did helped the cause. Marcus pointed out that the individual Torch groups and members could be contacting local media and helping with public relations. Susanna agreed, and stated that the US Wing was awash in talent in that area. Marcus said that it is important that everybody does things on their own. Regional projects are important as a focus.

Winter, the U.S. East Coast Coordinator, said that her region has adopted a manatee. She described manatees, who are friendly creatures that tend to get run over by powerboats. They have contributed a year's upkeep for their manatee, "Amanda."

Jill, the U.S. Central Region Coordinator, said her region has put together a web page that includes environmental concerns for each state. She also said the region is considering doing something with the World Wildlife Fund.

Kate, the U.S. Western Region Coordinator, said that individual projects appeared to be most important to her members, and that the region was considering political action in the form of a letter campaign.

seated: Jill McDole, MaryLisa Walsh, Dawn Arduini-Watson; back row: Lizzie McCann (Selkie) and Laura Brennan (Winter)

Selkie and Winter

Marcus Testory, Agada, Kate Chilton, Jemma Stone
"We didn't imagine that the small idea we had four years ago would grow and grow." - Frederic Hauschild

Open discussion followed, with Marcus giving an update on Samira. He noted that she is now in a special kindergarten and her dolphin therapy has begun, and it's working out. Susanna said that since Samira's dolphin therapy was now paid for, money from sale of the Torch pins could be diverted to Penn Wood.

Selkie said that the World Wildlife Fund has a set-up where, if you use their e-mail, it will automatically donate a small amount to the WWF.

Marcus noted that he is in the Order of the Knights of Malta, whose head is the Pope. He is considering asking the Pope for help and support in the environmental effort, since, as the head of the order, he has a responsibility to help his knights with their concerns.

New member MaryLisa asked what the parameters are for Torch's efforts. Susanna said, "It's everything." As an example of the broadness of our efforts, Dawn said that she works with military wives and scholarships, as well as Girl Scouts (Girl Guides).

The members of M.E.L.T. thanked us and said that it was nice to put faces to names they had seen only on e-mail.

~Minutes of the first meeting, Birmingham, England, March 27, 1999 by Kate Chilton

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