
Every boy deserves a trained leader and every leader deserves to be trained.

Fast Start Training
The Cub Scout Fast Start video, No. AV-01V022, will help leaders in their new roles. Cub Scout Fast Start Viewer Guide, No. AV-01G022, is for study along with viewing the videotape. Every Cub Scout pack needs to have its own video library and viewer guides to provide immediate information for new Cub Scout leaders.
Online Fast Start (This link takes you to the BSA National site)

Cub Scout Leader Basic Training
Cub Scout Leader Basic Training is designed to fit your needs. This four-hour training plan for all Cub Scout leaders is provided by the district or council in either a one- or two-session format.
More Information about Basic Training

Pack Leadership Enhancements
Leadership Enhancements are short training discussions held as part of the monthly pack leaders' meeting and conducted by the pack's own leaders. They help pack and den leaders become better equipped to conduct a quality Cub Scout program. They can be found in the 1997, or later, printing of the Cub Scout Leader Book.

Quarterly Leadership Updates
Leadership Updates are a series of six supplemental training opportunities conducted quarterly by the district (or council). Each two-hour update supplements and expands upon information that is only briefly covered in basic training.

Outdoor Webelos Leader Training (also known as OWL)
The Outdoor Webelos Leader Training provides specialized training for Webelos leaders in outdoor skills and program.
This program will be changing in 2000 to BALOO.

Pow Wow
The Pow Wow is a Cub Scout leader's learning extravaganza! A big, fun-filled experience where Cub Scout leaders increase their knowledge, improve their skills, and gain enthusiastic attitudes about Cub Scouting.

Roundtables are a form of commissioner service and supplemental training for volunteers at the pack level. Roundtables give volunteers examples for pack and den meetings; information on policy, events, and training opportunities; ideas for crafts, games, and ceremonies; and an opportunity to share experiences and enjoy fun and fellowship. These meetings help volunteers provide a stronger program for Cub Scouts.

Basic Training


In Cub Scouting, leadership is working with boys and their families, improving the life of your community by enriching the lives of families who live in it. You will be helping boys respect their homes and families, and you will be helping families understand their boys by doing things with them.

In this day and time when the family is becoming less and less important to many people, you, as a Cub Scout leader, will be taking a positive stand in support of the family. As inflation, unemployment, crime, poor housing, and other factors cause stress in families, you will be taking an active part in helping to strengthen those families and the boys in them by providing a fun-filled worthwhile program which has stood the test of time. Few organizations in history have had the universal impact on the family that can be claimed by Scouting. And you are an important part of that impact today.

Successful leaders are people of character and honesty; people with the ability to guide and influence boys; people with pep, patience, tact, and a sense of humor; people who lie boys and have a sense of purpose and direction. Now, before you become alarmed and begin thinking: "I don’t have all those qualities," just relax and read on. As all boys are different, so are all leaders different. That’s the reason for training - to teach leaders the skills and information they need to work successfully with Cub Scouts.

If you have a son, or joined Cub Scouting because you like to work with boys, then you already have a head start. If not, then we can help you learn.

Why Training?
Ages and Stages
What is Cub Scouting?
Pack Organization
The Pack Program
The Uniform
Youth Protection
Program and Activities
Working With Boys
Den Administration
The Den Program