Cub Scout Pack #494

Scouting Around
Pack 494
Voted District Pack of the Year 1998
Sponsored by Chapel Hill United Methodist Church

    Pack 494 On-Line Newsletter
  1. Updated calendar online - 10/6/02
  2. Thanks to Jim Wilson for posting these great Pinewood Derby hints. Jim Wilson's Pinewood Hints
  3. Big news for Scouts and Scouters: Big changes for Tiger Cubs and other news.
  4. Scouting for Food pictures
  5. 2003 Pinewood Derby
  6. Cubmaster.Org - All you want to know about Cub Scouting and earning awards while having fun and learning Scouting fundamentals.
  7. Check here for announcements of coming events and Pack news.

    The following items are highlights of prior meetings.

    The following items are interesting family links and educational material.

    Pack 494 "99" Uniform Inspection Night

    Make sure to visit the Pack 494 Calendar. Events are added on a regular basis so this should be your first stop. Sign our guest book on the bottom of the page if you like what we are doing.

    View the Final Standings of the 2002 Pack 494 Pinewood Derby.

    The 2000 Pinewood Derby Winners.

    Teaching tomorrow's leaders.

    Time to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors.

    Pack 494 helpful links

    -- If you have any questions, please contact --
    Gerald Avery, Webmaster

    Visitors Since 2/5/2000:

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