This is my homepage and I hope you're not just visiting here and you will try out those links down there. I think everyone who comes to visit my pages should go and read that text about The Circle of Life and of course you MUST sign my guestbook or at least go and "call" to my answering machine or you can just sit down and enjoy my pages. And you can even mail me a message just pushing that e-mail -address somewhere on this page. But if you are still reading this text, I can tell you that you're missing some wonderful links, text and other stuff I got in there. So go and enjoy!

Me: Here is some information about Me.
Poems and More: Some poems and thoughts.
(click that animation to sign my guestbook)
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My Answering Machine: Here you can "call" to me.
My Links: Here is some great links and some of my own stuff too.
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