Darrell Lance Abbott
1966 - 2004
Rest In Peace
Wow, it has been 5 years since I updated this website, and this will be the last update. My Pantera fan site is now closed. I would like to thank all of the people who have vistited my site over the years. Recently I have been getting emails about the site, thank you for all of the kind words. I really am shocked every time I get an email about the site... I had no idea the site was still online let alone that people actually browse it! Agian, thank you to everyone who has visited the site over the years, and thanks to anyone who has helped contribute to the site.
What am I up to these days? Working, College, Metal, Computers, same shit... different year. I have my own website these days, please stop by and check it out. You can contact me through there if you need to.
McCaulley Designs
I also run a website for an amazing metal band called Terror 2000. My friend Bjorn from the band Soilwork does the vocals for Terror 2000. If you are looking for a new band stop by the site sign up for the forums, check out the audio samples, and buy some albums... you will be glad you did!
Terror 2000

The world will never be the same.
Rest In Peace Dime...