please, vote

I can't take it any more.

I am a 43-year-old (male) and happily married for 22 years. I have been wearing pantyhose instead of socks to work and pleasure under my pants for years. I have been limited to wearing Black and Navy blue color pantyhose. About the only time that I am able to wear Pantyhose and a skirt in public is at a costume party and dressed up as a women. I can't take it any more.

I think that it is so unfair that women can wear skirts, dresses, pantyhose and pants, shirts, socks, etc. There are even many women that shop in the men's section of the store to buy their own clothes. It's unfair that 3/4 of the clothing in the store is women's and only ΒΌ men's. I think that I look pretty good in a skirt and pantyhose as a man. I have good-looking legs for it. My wife and other women that have seen me dress up as women think so too.

Please, it is time that someone that has some kind of public respect introduces pantyhose and skirts as a man's article of clothing. Perhaps, skirts designed for a man. Pantyhose for men sold in the men's section of the store.

I would like to be able to get up in the morning and have a choice of pants or skirt just as women have. I would like to be able to wear suntan pantyhose out in public with a skirt or shorts. I would like to be able to go into public places wearing pantyhose and a skirt or shorts and not think about if other people are laughing or talking about me. I would like for men to be able to wear pantyhose and skirts in public just as women can wear any kind of clothing.

Help, before I am too old to see the day when this will be accepted. I just can't take it any more.