Paw Paw Gun Shop

P.O. Box 208, 104 Walker Street, Rivesville, West Virginia 26588

Phone: (304) 278-5833


Gun Repairs

Paw Paw Gun Shop not only repairs stocks; I am also a full service firearms repair shop. I will give the same quality treatment to your guns that I give your stocks. As with our stock work, it is best to get a quote before shipping any guns to me. Below is a brief price list of some work that I do.

Bluing - (rust blue ) for double barrel shotguns $90.00

Browning - (for black powder guns) $30.00

Jeweling - (bolt) $35.00

Cleaning - $8.00

Drill & Tap - (per hole) $10.00

Accurizing - (float barrel and bed receiver) $30.00

Recoil Pad Installation - (including pad) $40.00 

Other work done on a $25.00 / hour basis

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 Page created and maintained by Steve Kish