Provincial Responsibility

Overview of Provincial Responsibilities

- Five areas that province responsible for highways, health care, education facilities, licenses and provincial police.
- Provincial and federal governments share responsibilities.

Provincial Responsibilities

The fight for provincial independence began the day after confederation. In 1872 Oliver Mowat was elected Premier of Ontario. He was very active in the fight for provincial autonomy. He challenged the federal government many times and took them to the highest court of the time the Imperial Privy Council. The council favoured the provinces and this until the end of the 19th century these decisions would help the provinces a lot. After the Louis Reil incident in 1869 and 1870, then again in 1884and 1885 the premier of Quebec Honorč Mercier became an eager defender of provincial autonomy. He had two opinions on Provincial autonomy. One was that the federal government would not be without the provinces and second the French Canadians only had one government to represent them, that was the provincial government. The fight for provincial autonomy went on and for the first few decades of the 20th century it was called the "Golden age" of provincial autonomy.

Canada has three levels of government federal, provincial and municipal. The responsibility of the provincial government is to look after the highways, health care, education facilities, licenses and provincial police. The federal and provincial government share health aid and welfare, transportation and environment, for example the provincial government takes care of roads and local highways whereas the federal government takes care of the Trans-Canada highway.

Copyright © 1998, Phil C. & Hussein B.