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Dear Partners: I Hope you all had a verry merry Lords Birthday. 
We had a special Christmas Service at Ravenwood Residential Care Center We had a communion Service and we had a bible reading at Primrose December 26.  

  We will continue to use Agape Word fellowship
as a part of this ministry.  as the covering of the nursing home Ministry. 
of our mission mission  statement  : 

AGAPE: the Greek word for the God kind of Love 
An Undefeatable  benevolence and unconquerable
goodwill that always seeks the highest good of
the other person. 
   The type which we Strive to Show

WORD: because we preach the unadulterated Word 
of God which is Truth. It is the Word of Faith
 which we preach. 

FELLOWSHIP: In the Greek, Fellowship comes from
the word koinonia. which means sharing,unity,
close association,partnership,paticipation,a
society,a communion,contributory help,the

    Koinonia cemments the belivers in the Lord
Jesus and to each other. 

We want to thank everyone that has visited 
our sites,and ask that you keep visiting them.
Also we want to thank the Ministries whose 
sites appear on our links page. We encourage
you to contact us about the Glory Riders 
Community as well. (a excite community for
Christain  Motorcycle fellowship) 

See below for Partnership instructions. We are
established so we can encompass more
activities in the ministry. as well as support
the Local Churches and Pastors. we will soon
be opening our School of Ministry this is
something God has put on my heart to do

We aren't afraid of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ! 

DHJM STAFF and Board of Directors.

What's new AT DHJM! A Glourious Bike Fellowship the Glory Rider's

We at DHJM, have prayed about this Ministry, we strive to help pastors of local churches to help get new Ministries started, or they may need help just geting off the ground. It has been on My Pastor's heart ( yes even pastor's have to have a Pastor!) to start A Glourious Motorcycle Fellowship, anyone that is a Member of Glourious Church, and is interested in this Kind of fellowship, is welcome! The Lord Impressed upon my heart to offer the services of our WebPage to this ministry. we have even started there own community page on excite. we will have that for you shortly and your petition to join that community will be forwared to Pastor John Christopher as well. so if you have a motorcycle and desire christain fellowship come join the glory riders, or we will help you find a CMA close to you.


Some new changes in what is probably one of the highest regulated industry will be Credentials. This may be hard for some for some Indepedent churches or ones that do not have a system in place for this. I first of all suggest that if you are a Layperson and want to get certified as a Lay Minister to contact this organization : Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches they Endorse Full Gospel/ Charismatic Chaplains as well as Lay people who minister there E-mail is if you are interested I sugest calling (214)-331-4373. and tell them what you want. If you are called to the five fold ministry and have a proven Ministry I suggest you e-mail me and WE will try and help you. As A Ministry we can offer training to your organizaition just get in touch with our ministry and we will be more than happy to Schedule you on our calender, we are starting to book meetings for 1999 now! I have seminars avaliable on pastoral care in Hospice Chaplaincy, Longterm care as well as residential or assisted living. as well as helps Ministries. we are blessed with several resources to draw from. ALSO NEXT YEAR! we will also start late next year a church wide workshop for all ministries but will focus on how small churches can set up their own helps ministries.


Rev.David H. Jones