From the President's KeyBoard....

It is hard to believe that Fall will soon be upon us and Kids as well as adults will be headed for school. Which leads me to tell you about World Vision School of Missions in Springfield, Mo. Sponsered by Glourious Church, located at 3935 W. Sunshine. It is a School that I strongly recomend. (being a recent graduate of it myself!) Also I want to mention :PRAYER TEAM ! we are getting a Prayer team togather so if you wish to pray for us or feel that Prayer is your calling let the minstry office know. there is a real call to prayer and we recognize it. there is no distance in the Spirit so we can pray no matter where we are at.

I want to send my prayers forth to the families with Children. I want to pray for God's annoiting upon there lives as they start school. if anyone else feels this unction to pray please join in!

I have the privelge to Minister as staff Chaplain at Ravenwood Residential Care Facility I have also received a Endorsement as such a chaplain. we continue to provide sunday services at Primrose as well. We also offer our services free of charge to Hospice.

from the President's Keyboard Rev. David H. Jones President/Executive Dir.

Itenerary for Rev. David H. Jones Aug.9 2:30 Primrose Place heathcare center Service August 12 2:00 Ravenwood Residential Care Bible Study August 12 7:00pm Glourious church August 16 10:15am Glourious Church August 16 2:00pm ministering @ Primrose Healthcare center August 16 6:30 Glourious Church August 19 2:00pm Minstering At Ravenwood August 19 7:00pm helps Ministry Glourious Church August 23 2:30pm Minstering Lord's Supper reg. servce and in room Primrose Place August 23 6:30 Glourious Church August 26 Bible Study At Ravenwood @ 2:00pm August 26 7:00pm Helps Ministry Glourious Church August 30 10:15 Glourious Church August 30 2:30 pm Primrose HealthCare minstering reg. services August 31 2:00pm Ravenwood Residential Communion

I also invite you to join Tripod and the Christain fellowship pod and become a Pod publisher. We have turned our Url in to excite search engine and invite you to tell your friends ( especially the unsaved ones) about us and to come and visit us take them through the prayer of salvation on the fellowship page in other words have fun!

Chaplain Dave and his merry band of Christains!

welcome to the Exhorter! you are the person to visit this page!


  The Tracks of Time 
   (used by Verbal Permission)
   By Lola Garrett Copyright 1998
    The tracks of time roll swiftly by:
    We Cannot curb their speed. 
    We only Turn to God,
    our Help to meet every need.
    And as we travel down life's road
    Through Peace and joy and sorrow
    Lets lean on God's Almighty Arm
    To bring us tommorrow.
    As each tommorrow becomes Today
    Lets Thank our All Might Saviour
    for giving us one more Day   
    To serve him and not wavering.
    When all tommorrows of this life
    on earth will be no more,
    we'll dwell in statley mansions
    where all troubles will be o'er.

   ( Lola Also plays The Key Board for our Bible study
    and Sunday Worship services besides her talent as 
    a writer she writes songs as well.) 
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