Raven's Roost
 Ravens sit atop the trees broadcasting their thoughts to the whole world, whether the world wants to listen or not!  This page is the place for the editors/staff of Ravenwynd to voice their own views.
   True friendship is like a single soul split in two to fill two bodies.
-- Mexican Proverb
    If one is very lucky in this world, one will be blessed with a truly great friend, a best friend.  This person is one who you know you can depend on through thick and thin, good and bad....and usually worse!  I'm very lucky in that I've been blessed with 4 people in my life who are those types of friends.
There's Ben, who is my son's godfather, even though he "has no use for children".  This man started a trust fund for my son without my knowing anything about it.  He's always there for a "date" and will take me dancing when no one else will.  He's taken days off of work to pick me up at the airport and drive me 250 miles to where I need to be just so I can get a cheaper fare.
There's Eve, who is my oldest, best friend.  Even though we only get to see each other every few years now, it's always pick up right where we left off.  She's great fun and an even better masseuse!
There's Jaci, a true shamaness.  She and I have gone through many changes together.  We can talk about anything, from just about any angle.  She's taught me a lot about the place I now live and it's peoples and belief systems.  I'm blessed to be a part of her clan now and look forward to many more adventures with her.
Then there's my Ravenwynd friend, Shelli H. English.  I'm blessed in that Shelli decided one day to write to me here at Ravenwynd and has kept on writing.  She and I finally met, face to face, in the fall of last year.  The funny part about it was it was as if we'd known each other all our lives. We were finishing sentences for each other inside of an hour.
In the past few months, she's been right there for me and for Ravenwynd. Between us, we've had to cope with a friend's major surgery, court cases that dragged on, stock market wobbles, school hassles, Spring Break, visitors, and other "real life" issues.  She is one of those wonderful people that sticks with it, even when if she's not sure what "it" is!  I want to take this opportunity to thank her for being there for me, Ravenwynd, and our readers.  It is safe to say, that without her, this issue would have ended up being the Beltane one.
    If you are blessed with friends such as these, I'd like to remind you to say "thanks" now.  Don't wait for a birthday, special occasion, or such, just do it.

Blessed Be,
        Arianna Penwynd

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